Ex-president of the Belgaum chambers of commerce Satish Tendolkar has been nominated as the Chairman, Post Forum of Belgaum.

In its first meet he raised the following issues with department-
ATM Center at Head Post Office to be made operational.
Kindly look into the matter of pensioners from rural areas and stop hardship to the pensioners. It was also requested to make an indepth inquiry for the same and if found guilty should be dealt as per law.
30 years back two sites were allotted to the Post Department to build the office premises ( no 40 and 69 ) at RC Nagar first stage. But due to some reason it was no work has been done. Both the plots are open/ vacant and being used for throwing garbages causing hardship to the citizens residing in and around. Therefore they have requested to keep the above plots clean on a regular basis and if possible a security guard should be appointed to protect the plot.
As per our survey we find that still people have got lot of faith in Post dept as far as monetary values are concern then any other private investment schemes but the problem with the people are they say they don’t get any information regarding the postal schemes.
City of Belgaum has grown / expanded from all sides last ten years but the fact is number of Post Boxes installed has not been increased. Efforts should be made to identify the potential and citizen friendly places/ spots new Post Boxes should be made available.
The Existing Personnel are not sufficient to cater the growing needs of Dept. It is shocking to know that since 1984/85 no new recruitments has been made in Belgaum. Dept of Post to make necessary arrangements and give priority to Belgaum youths in recruitments.
Belgaum has got a historical value as Swami Vivekanand stayed here for couple of days / Congress Session held etc. Therefore you are requested to make efforts to bring in a Stamp describing the historical value of Belgaum at the earliest.
Dept. of Post should approach the schools to take up some educative programs for the children’s of the age group of 8 to 15 and convince them to make use of Post services like writing letters and posting them,how post works, importance of small savings, gaining stamp collection hobby etc at the early age.