SCADA device not functioning Basavankolla water filtering plant

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Senior Engineers and specialists in design and construction of water filtering plant “Scada” electronic device, along with Doctors, Chartered Accountants & other Professionals visited Basavanakolla water filtering plant on Thursday, 7 th February, at 11.30 a.m.

The KUWS & DB Engineers present at site explained the technical details of filter beds, water treatment methods and “SCADA” electronic devices.

basavankolla water treatment plantIt was observed that this water supply scheme of augmentation of adequate water supply to citizens is well designed and constructed, by installing the modern electronic device “SCADA” i.e. “Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition” for automatic operation of the filtering unit.

This “SCADA” Electronic device is not functioning now since April 2018.

However, the entire operation of Turbidly control of PH value chlorine etc is being donemanually without affecting the quality of city water supply.

It was explained by the departmental officer that, urgent attention is also initiated to restart the Scada working at an early date.

About Basavankolla water filtering plant
Water Treatment Plant (WTP) in Basavanakolla – Water here flows by gravity from the Hidkal scheme.

The Water Treatment Plant at Basavankolla was realized after almost 30 years of its inception. First, land in Turkamatti was allocated for it which was defense land and hence nothing happened and then somewhere around 2014 the forest land was utilised to build this plant in about 3 years. Also, 11 kms pipeline was installed for the same.

The cost of the project is Rs.1,01,55,962.00. The project is constructed out of self-generated funds of City corporation Belagavi, out of savings in water charges collected.
The water treatment plant has a capacity of 32.50 MLD.

Belagavi city gets 54.45 MLD water from Rakaskop and similar from Hidkal dam. The current need of the city is 93.68 MLD.

The Laxmitek water treatment plant is working over capacity at 68 MLD. Hence the need was felt for another water treatment plant which can support the Laxmi tek water treatment plant.
A new line of 1.5 kms has been laid (914mm) from KIADB cross Kanbargi to Basavankoll. The total storage capacity would be 55 Lakh litres. 

1 thought on “SCADA device not functioning Basavankolla water filtering plant”

  1. Everyone those who are suppose to be involved in this project should get your heads together and do the right thing. Remember that your family including your children and grandchildren would be consuming this water.


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