Two days after the 51-year-old Daulat Devale lost his life as fell into an open gutter and the iron pierced him on Mandoli road the Belagavi smart city Ltd has woken up from deep slumber and has now installed Lights and caution tapes around the open gutter and exactly at the same spot where the incident occurred.
Sharing these images, his youngest son said that he has lost his father and he won’t come back, but the officials, contractors who are involved in this must be punished.
This is the second incident where smart city work has claimed lives, the first being in Ashok Nagar.
Authorities say already a case has been booked against the Contractor who is from Mumbai has been booked and an inquiry is in progress.
So the smart city officials have at least realized that some basic safety measures have to be taken when such construction work is in progress.
Now they wake up after one death
Care has to be taken at all smart city work places.Don’t wait for one more casualty.
It is customery that when ever some road repair work is carried out,due sign boards of caution should be displayed indicating diversions, debris, trenches etc which is visible day & night, preferably using reflective red tapes.But nothing of that sort is happening in Belgium.The authorities are least concerned about public safety.In the case under reference,was it not the duty of the supervising authorities to see whether the contractor is doing his duty properly or not.?Just think about the pedestrian crossing at the barricaded Congress road near 1st gate.The police have not left any gap for pedestrian passing.As a result one has to climb the dilapidated divider with great risk,&if one were to slip, there is every chance of getting crushed under the speeding vehicles (,no speed breaker or zebra crossing). Citizens should unite &fight for their safety & rights.Its not enough if police simply punish for not wearing helmets,but let them do their duty of caring for safety of Citizens
Road signs, lights and blockades cost money.
Bbbbbuutt they want that money to buy the new car!
And bikezzz!!
And phones!!!
and etc!!!!
How to manage yaar???
Must look and be in tip top while the city no problem can look like flip flop.
Jesus Mary and Joseph ??♂️
God help them all.
The tapes and lights have come up after a valuable life has been lost. Construction of just a few kms of road stretch is taking more than 3 years in this modern age just because of sheer irresponsible attitude ignoring all safety precautions. Its my Uncle who lost his life and the family is devastated on his tragic death, who also was the sole bread earner for the family. The read tapes will be blown off in no time and the excavations will remain open till God knows what time or till another life is lost. AS i see no work is going on in this strecth of road for many days, We all people need to awaken and get together and close these death traps of excavations, level off the road and start using this road safely. Leave the concert road and beautification to the Smart City developers and jut return back to our hard mud roads which we were using in the old days, at least we did not loose any life due to such tragic accidents in those days
Why can’t the Contractor be drawn up by court and made to pay compensation and penalty for negligence of work? I am sure as part of contract there will be terms for safety .
Until concerned people are prosecuted for a murder these things don’t change.
Wake me up * when September ends
* When somebodys dead