Soldier released on bail – Traffic PSI scuffle

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The soldier who had allegedly assaulted Police Sub Inspector, Krishnaveni, attached to the Traffic South Police Station was released on bail on a personal bond of Rs.25,000 and one surety.

traffic psiThe soldier was produced before the JMFC Fourth court where he was granted bail in the evening and he has been charged with the following charges under IPC 323( Punishment for voluntarily causing hurt), 356(Assault or criminal force in attempt to commit theft of property carried by a person) & 504 (Intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace).

Solider has been identified as Dhakalu Panhalkar who on Monday evening had a heated argument with the police officer, who allegedly slapped the soldier only to receive one in retaliation from him.

Panhalkar got strong public support during the incident, as they were against Krishnaveni, who had fined many people before.

14 thoughts on “Soldier released on bail – Traffic PSI scuffle”

  1. What about the punishment for PSI? It was she who provoked him by allegedly slapping him! If only punishments are meant for public in general are the police officials dropped in from heaven? This is the main reason why people fear police rather feeling secured.

  2. People are not against her because she fined them…its because she has hit and mistreated many common people…AAB is going quiet soft on the PSI .. powers are given to the police to maintain law and order. But here there is a clear misuse of authority . Proved again that rules are just for common man..

  3. This bleady lady officer was on cards for long time she has done lot of atrocities on innocent people of Belgaum, I have witnessed so many incidents when she has caught hold of college students for absurd reason allegedly demanding money for no reason, such people are spoiling the police department & getting ignominy to the department,in this particular incident also she should have fined the bsf jawan & let him go respectfully rather abusing him, we people should have high regards for jawans and their sacrifice & not for such highly
    corrupt police.department should take stock of it and punish her appropriately only with the virtue of having power in hand police cannot take public in grant we are in a democratic country every one has a right to speak & express their feeling, hope some rules will be bought in the favour & interest of public,one more question I would like to ask if she has guys let her nab so many jihadis terrorist are there we will respect her for this bravery post her on the border area she ‘ll realise it.

  4. The other day she had abused a OLD MAN at khade bazar who was ready to pay the penalty so also she used bad words and abused him and only stopped when the nearby public resisted and even asked her whether she has parents or not who should be respected

  5. it would be shame on the part of police department, of they act in the manner as if the rules are abided only to the commoners.. police force can do much more other than promoting corruption

  6. Is she innocent police officer who was assaulted by the jawan??? She is a public servant, but does she act like she is??? R the police given powers to hit or abuse whom ever they want??? I have seen her many times on streets of belgaum, abusing people without even thinking of age and gender, let her behave like a cop and do wat she is supposed to do, or else she may have to see protests from belgaum ppl… V belgaumites won’t keep quite for such ruthless ppl who can’t respect the ppl of our city… A serious action from the commissioner is expected on this issue…


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