As per the directions of Election commission of India (ECI) a special campaign to include names of the new voters of the age group of 18 to 21 years in the voters list will be held for a month from July 1 and all application will be disposed before 31st August said Deputy Commissioner and district electoral officer N Jayram.
Speaking to the media here on Thursday, he said all all persons who complete 18 years age as on 1st January 2017 should register their names in the voters list.
The administration has become active on resolving the errors in voters list. Any person who wants his name to be included in voters list must have to fill form No. 6 with complete details and submit the form along with residential proof document at concerned polling officer.
The form No. 6 can also be submitted by post, online through National voters service portal (NVSP). On-line facility has also been provided for the non residential Indians (NRI).
Filled applications will be received at Belagavi one centres and about 4040 polling centres in Belagavi.
There will be two day special awareness campaign on July 8 and 22.
Voters can call toll free number 1950 to rectify their doubts, problems in the voters list and and get information to rectify errors in names in the voters list. The authorized political parties can also send their agents for the observations during this campaign.