Special Summary Revision of Voters list in Karnataka

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By uday

Special Summary Revision of electoral rolls w.r.t qualifying date 01.01.2024 is under progress in all 224 Assembly Constituencies of Karnataka state as per the directions of the Election Commission of India. Today, Draft Electoral Rolls of 224 constituencies have been published in the offices of the Deputy Commissioner’s of all the districts, Electoral Registration Officers, Assistant Electoral Roll Registration Officers and all polling stations coming under the jurisdiction for the information of public on 27.10.2023.

Electoral Rolls of the Assembly constituencies will be published in the official website of the Chief Electoral Officer, Karnataka (https://ceo.karnataka.gov.in/en) in PDF format. The general public are requested to check as to whether their names have been included in the list with correct information.

Method of submission of applications: Applications are required to be submitted to the notified Electoral Registration Officer/Assistant Electoral Registration Officer of each Assembly Constituency in prescribed forms along with required documents.

voters list

1. Form 6: Application Form for New Voters

2. Form 6A: Application for inclusion of name in Electoral Roll by an overseas Indian elector.

3. Form 6B: Letter of Information of Aadhaar number for the purpose of electoral roll authentication

4. Form 7: Application Form for Objection for Proposed Inclusion/ Deletion of Name in Existing Electoral Roll

5. Form 8: Application Form for shifting of Residence/Correction of Entries in Existing Electoral Roll/Replacement of EPIC/Marking of PwD.

The above applications can be submitted in online mode using the Voters Service Portal (https://voters.eci.gov.in/) or the Voter Helpline Mobile app. At State level, wide publicity has been given by the Chief Electoral Officer, Karnataka about the Special Summary Revision of the Electoral Rolls through press notes to create awareness among the general public.

Action has been taken to enrol all eligible voters in the electoral rolls and for preparation of error free healthy electoral rolls in all assembly constituencies. It is requested to give wide publicity to the general public to submit relevant forms during the period of claims and objections as per the above schedule of Special Summary Revision.

Eligible voters can download Voter Helpline App in their mobile phone to submit the applications. They can also submit the applications on https://voterportal.eci.gov.in/ portal. Information related to submission of applications on the above platforms is enclosed herewith.

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