Sterilization of stray dogs would cost 1650 per dog

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By editor

The Belagavi city corporation has identified around 6000 stray dogs which will have to be Sterilized and for the same a sum of Rs. 1 crore has been set aside.

The dogs captured are then sterilized and vaccinated under the supervision of expert veterinarians of the hospitals run by the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Animal Welfare Organization or other dog shelters.

Neutering makes males less aggressive, prevents testicular cancer, and reduces the risk of prostate cancer. Altered animals are less likely to contract deadly, contagious diseases, such as feline AIDS and feline leukemia, that are spread through bodily fluids.

stray dogs

As per the rates prescribed Rs.200 is the minimum allocated for getting the dog to the center and Rs. 1450 for the Sterilization.

The city corporation will now have to appoint a contractor for the same and the rates would be as stated above.

1 thought on “Sterilization of stray dogs would cost 1650 per dog”

  1. Kill those dogs because even after sterilization they will bite someone, its cheap, and effective to kill them than sterilization. Why to waste tax money on these dogs? They are useless.


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