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Stray dogs meance

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By editor

In the past four days there have two serious cases of dog bites due to stray dogs being reoprted. Mohammed Ghouse was attacked by a group of 15 dogs while he was returning from his morning prayers. He was bit on left arm, left chest and his leg and currently is taking treatment at the civil hospital .

A five year girl Poorna was bitten by dogs at the court compound.

As many as 15 cases of dog bite have been reported in the last one week. According to reports, in the 10 taluks of the district, there have been 861 cases of dog bite in June this year.

The corporation has failed to check this menace. The BCC has formed two teams which wil now catch these dogs and leave them into the forest.



10 thoughts on “Stray dogs meance”

  1. am glad u posted this…….but menace????i beg to differ….v r supposed to look in to the matter deeply….if a 861dog bites cases it not news . How many of them were rabid is….. Its in its nature and defence mechanism….yes i agree its d govt duty….insted of instigating the muncipalty n people to kill dogs which is againts the law….the plp should join hands with ngos /voluntary organisations/govt to help solve problem… Esp a blog like urs which hundreds of people read has a social responsibility….find out the prevalence of rabies in the city ,no of rabid dogs….through rti act…ull get to know its not that high….just cos a few dogs bit others don have to bear the brunt…..i have been a ardent follower of ur blog and this post is truely disapointing…sending them to forests….do u think this really happens ….kindly visit our ngos site and see what happens…we brougt the law to their notice and stopped the killing of innocent animals….awareness is needed n a blog like aab has a huge responsibility…..dr aditi

    • Hey! Aditi Have you been bitten by a dog, A STREET DOG?? If some one in your family was bitten by a dog then you would have realised… why dont you adopt all the stary dogs here.

      Its Good Preaching!!! and you suggessting AAB on what you think. is sort of stupid.. I know the person who was bit and if you have watched IN Belgaum news that covered this you wouldnt have written such a nonsense, irresponsible stuff. You seem to have no caring attitude for HUMAN BEINGS but do care for dogs. The trauma that this person is going thru cannot be explained. Understand that care for animals is good Even I too care for animals and am for PETA but at times be Human. Be with the victim. Its not that all dogs will be banished. Dont need your reply here. If possible sympathise with the victim than the dogs for the moment.

      • i totally agree with you, may be aditi havent seen this dog attack, please aditi we will take your sujjestion if they are practical you need to have more practical. if you really think something should be done to this stray dogs you can happily take them to your home all of them , i mean thay are all yours

  2. lets look at some solution…. why cant we have a place 2-3 acres outside the city, where all the strays are put in an enclosure….. no animal on the roads…. the corporation can do it in a week

  3. I felt very sad when i heard this news.I have one small suggestion.Why not we create one more facebook blog called Belgaum city corporation and post our problems related to garbeg maintenace, road cleaning,blockage of gatars, and so on and get regular updates on work progress.As i knew the Belgaum traffic police blog in facebook was made great job which is initiated few months ago.I hope my suggestion would be next step to make our Belgaum clean and fearless from dogs.

    I am in Austria from last 2 years i came here for my studies i a regular visitor of AAB and BTP facebook.I am etremely happy with progress of Belgaum infrastructure and traffic maintenance.But some times i feel bad when i see pics of roads without trees.

  4. what the hell is this our hope less use less corporation took and went my dog who is wearing belt n he is one of our family member

  5. In my aread many dogs are there one mental dog is there please can u give me belgaum dog catches number or any contact please


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