The streets of Belagavi have gone empty after the early morning rush to buy essentials.
Upto 10 am the scenes were like on any-other normal day but post 11 AM the streets wore a deserted look atleast in the main market areas of the city as the Marshalls and the police geared up.
The police have also barricaded at many places and are asking each one the reason for they being on the road.
A few ave also got the lathi prasad who were loitering around.
The essential shops were open from 6 -10 AM which also include the liquor shops.
Vegetable sellers and others did make a rush in the main market but now it wore a deserted a look.
A few of the small petty shops in sub urban areas were seen to be open.

Traffic also on the roads has now reduced on the roads.
There were complains yesterday that the City corporation acted partiality while leaving a few big cloth shops they fined the smaller ones in the main market.
A sum of around 22000 fine was collected from various shops for violating the norms.
Vaccination is allowed during the lock down and minimal proof must be accompanied while traveling to the vaccination center.
A volunteer-driven effort to track available hospital beds, remdesivir, oxygen, and food for Corona positives in BelagaviStock os injections with the hospital are also updated. You can also send a distress message for need of Food, bed, or Injections. They will send it to the right authority for action. They have successfully closed 4 requests of injection and 2 for food. Together we can do it!