360 New cases – 91 discharged – 39047 cases in state

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Belagavi district registered a total of 360 fresh Covid-19 cases on April 28, the active cases in the district reached 2433.

This is the Single highest day spike of 2021, in 2020 the single-day highest spike was 392

As per the report released no death has been reported.

291 cases in Belagavi Taluka

Active cases have now risen to 2433.

Total death toll has now reached 360

91 persons have been discharged today

4022 cases have been reported from April 1.

39047 new cases in the state

covid positive

Athani 4

Belagavi 291

Bailhongal 15

Chikodi 2

Gokak 9

Hukkeri 2

Khanapur 4

Ramdurg 3

Raibag 4

Savadatti 23

Others 3

3 thoughts on “360 New cases – 91 discharged – 39047 cases in state”

  1. Excellent job sir.
    I like this website. Please keep updated like this evryday. Very helpful for all.
    Thanks to all the developers.

  2. Really this website news is very helpful to all of us.

    Please sebd the detailed list of cases from the places they have registered.
    And also the vaccination information, how much is been administered daily and whoch all centres are been administrating.


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