SWR’s Londa subway concept to operation, in just 90 days

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South Western Railway is on a mission mode of eliminating Level Crossing Gates over the Zone by construction of Road Over Bridges (ROB), Road Under Bridges (RUB) and Limited Height Subways (LHB). During the previous year, 6 ROBs and 77 RUBs/LHBs were constructed in the zone.

During the Inspection by Shri Ajay Kumar Singh, GM/SWR at Londa on 29.09.2020, the local public represented the difficulties faced by them due to the closure of the LC Gate No.343 at Londa Yard for train movements. They requested Railways to construct a RUB/LHB and to help the local residents who were forced to take a circuitous route of 3 Km due to the closure of LC gate due to shunting movements etc. in the yard.

Around 250 families living on the other side of town lacked direct access to the main Town of Londa for nearly the last 7 decades. Pedestrian crossing over the track due to closure of LC gate for train movement was a safety issue requiring immediate action by Railways.

londa 0subway

As instructed by GM/SWR, under the initiative of Shri Arvind Malkhede, Divisional Railway Manager, Hubballi, Engineering Branch took up the work of construction of Limited Height subway in Oct 2020. All the pre-requisite and mandatory paper work related to sanctioning of estimate, general arrangement drawings, temporary arrangement of drawings and fixing of contractual agency was completed within least possible period of 30 days. Work of earth excavation, casting of reinforced cement concrete work started on 29.10.2020.

Approval of District authorities was received in Nov 2020, within 10 days of applying the same. Work started by inserting 25 nos. of RCC boxes for a length of 40 metres. The cost of this subway is Rs. 6.12 Crores. Physical work took just 50 days. Hubballi Division executed the construction on a war footing basis and work could be completed and opened for traffic today on 90th day (29.12.2020) from conception. This project which usually takes 24 to 30 months has been completed in 90 days which is a new record in Indian Railways.

The entire project has been executed by the Engineering team of Hubballi Division led by Shri P Mahender, Sr. Divisional Engineer/Coordination. Shri Neeraj Bapna, Senior Divisional Engineer/ West has taken up the work on war footing basis for the public. The work was taken up as part of the doubling project between Londa – Vasco.

Shri Ajay Kumar Singh, GM/SWR has congratulated the Officers and staff for completing the RUB/LHB in a record time of 90 days. Shri Singh also appreciated the District authorities for their speedy clearance so that the work could be taken up expeditiously.

0 thoughts on “SWR’s Londa subway concept to operation, in just 90 days”

  1. True last 35 years i am seeing the roads from Belgaum to goa via londa is pathetic i dont lnow when they are going to make proper highway while entire world is moving vfast here tje work is slow.

  2. True last 35 years i am seeing the roads from Belgaum to goa via londa is pathetic i dont lnow when they are going to make proper highway while entire world is moving fast here the work is very very slow. Local people and leaders are least bothered of their developments if no proper roads there will no progress in all aspects. Thanks


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