Tender: Development of residential layout – Scheme-61 in Kanbargi, Belagavi
The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works is TWENTY-FOUR MONTHS including Monsoon with the following milestones
Milestone | Periods in Months | Physical Target | Financial Target |
1 | 6 | Jungle Clearance, Site Lowering & Levelling, Road Embankment,subgrade and utility pipe lines of UGD ,and Watersupply | Rs. 16.59 crores |
2 | 6 | Construction of roadupto sub base ,Half length of Side drains,. | Rs. 32.88 crores |
3 | 6 | Remaining Half length of Road side drain Nala,ParksDevelopment,OHT,,Electrification work of laying cables (part A ) | Rs. 26.65 crores |
4 | 6 | All remaining Electrification works, STP & SUMP for STP, House connections of Water supply And UGD, Top layers of Roads(BM,DBM,BC,SDBC) , And all the works for full completion of the project | Rs. 18.04 crores |