The city of Hubballi-Dharwad now has a Toll Free Helpline number 18004255540 for complaints against errant Auto Rickshaws.
Any complaints regarding Auto Fare Meter enforcement may be made to Toll Free Helpline number 18004255540 and obtain acknowledgment number, which will also be SMSed to the caller. DC and Police Commissioner will monitor complaints filed on this number.
Meters come into force, without any excuse from 23rd May. Police and RTO will enforce in Full Swing and crack down on non complying Autos.
So the authorities there have planned everything in advance on who things will be made more effective. In Belagavi if one remembers no complaint numbers were issued then after pressure on social media a police number and 100 was told to be the complaint number.
The authorities have promised Auto Stands will be inspected by Police and notification issued for authorised stands and Additional staff of RTO and Dept. of Weights & Measures will be brought in from entire north Karnataka to support the drive.
And we in Belagavi will have to be happy saying we are in the Smart city list but no smartness shown by authorities or the citizens themselves. It must be recalled that Hubballi Dharwad is not a smart city but they have smart thinkers and implementation is the key.
In Belagavi the police act on the complaint for sure but there is no fear amongst the Auto drivers. RTO has never been in the picture when it comes to implementation of Auto fares as if this its illegitimate child.
No one to Blame… Blame our selves May be we deserve this. Errant and Arrogant Auto Drivers and their attitude.
“God helps those who help themselves”.
Don’t Know why our Govt. Authorities go soft when the issue of Meter For Autos arises …???? Is this not something strange ….???
Dharwad railway auto rickshaw drivers are very rudely talking to passengers. And the very high cost of charges the says no one is managing the rules they are charging for 3km Rs300. I think the government should take action on drivers with about high charges. Very bad very bad ? rules