Total Plastic ban from April 1 in Belagavi ?

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The State Government on March 11 issued an official gazette notification stating a complete and total ban on plastic and all plastic and thermacol products in the State.

The government notification makes specific mention that plastic, no matter its thickness, is banned across the State. “No shopkeeper, vendor, wholesale dealer, retailer, trader, hawker or salesman shall use plastic carry bags, plastic banners, plastic buntings, flex, plastic flags, plastic plates, plastic cups, plastic spoons, cling film and plastic sheets for spreading on dinning table, irrespective of thickness including the above items made of thermacol and plastic, which use plastic micro beeds”. The only exemption granted is for the export units, apart from the plastic used for milk and milk products and plant nurseries.

no-plasticNo industry or person shall manufacture, supply, store, transport, sell and distribute plastic in Karnataka. The notification makes specific mention that plastic, no matter its thickness, will be banned across the State.

The State government has empowered a range of officials — that of the municipalities and several other departments — to enforce the ban, and it is imperative on them to exhibit their commitment.

Enforcing a complete ban on plastic in the entire State without government backing and co-operation from all departments will be difficult

The reasons behind the plastic ban, the notification speaks of plastic becoming a hazard to the environment, blocking of gutters, sewers and drains apart from resulting in pollution of water bodies in urban areas.

The local administration is gearing up to implement this ban.

8 thoughts on “Total Plastic ban from April 1 in Belagavi ?”

  1. Its a good move,, lets wait & watch.
    Hope it doesn’t become like the Rule : “Helmet Compulsory while Driving”

  2. I do agree with everyone…but we should think of BEST POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE before you ban any essential commodity..Bcoz..most of the products can not be sold without plastic for packing…n what about people engaged in this manufacturers, whole sellers, retailers etc…..further there are other things too which need to be completely banned like LIQUEUR, CIGARETTES… y Govt is banning it?

    Somewhere in 2007, BJP led Govt in Karnataka banned SALE OF LOTTERY TICKETS… it was good move but again i would like to ask same question to the Govt…what alternate option did they provide to the people depending on that business..? Further, if lottery is gambling…y RACE COURSE in Bangalore is still functioning…Is it not gambling?

    So no point in discussing any issue ….since Govt never thinks deeply on any issue.

  3. Like somebody commented above Its a great move – lets wait and watch. What ?
    Why wait and watch ? – its we as responsible citizens to implement this and put things into action.
    Lets promise do some simple things –
    1. Carry your own bags when you go to the Market next time to buy vegetables, groceries, shopping. Well we all did this in the pre-plastic era and I don’t see any good reason why we cant do this religiously.
    2. Make it a habit to keep a bag handy in your car, 2-3 wheeler, ladies purse.
    3. Carry your own tiffin boxes when we want to order food from outside

  4. If this move is effectively done then the government must also ban plastic bottle which sells brands like coca cola, pepsi and other aerated cold drinks, bisleri and other water bottles because after the use people just throw it anywhere and this too could block water drainages and cause water logging. Why are they not banning these products.

  5. Very good move. Let us seriously and honestly give up using plastic bags. There r other pollution causing reasons which should also b controlled strictly. Plastic being one of them. Instead if plastics, simply use cloth bags which do not cause pollution. Another point to b noted is, govt should not encourage public to use paper bags also. Because paper comes from trees. Already our planet is facing deforestation resulting in global climate change. Plant more trees, conserve remaining forests. Every individual must contribute for the welfare of our planet and humanity. Its our responsibility to give a better world for our coming generations.


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