Addressing his maiden press conference, Shashidhar Kurer, the new Belagavi City Corporation (BCC) Commissioner has spoken tough on any sorts of encroachment.
He indicated that he would take a tough stand against encroachers. Measures will be taken to clear encroachments on major storm-water drains and to registered them as BCC property will be his priority he he mentioned.
As Belagavi is my native, I am looking forward to developing the city into a model one. It has already been selected under the Smart Cities Mission.
A nodal officer will be appointed in each ward to take care of sanitation issues. Cleanliness will be the top priority as city has been selected for Smart City project.
The process of appointing Project Management Consultant (PMC) is underway foe the Smart city mission. Five companies have applied for tender for the same. Once the PMC is fixed, works related to smart city project will begin. There will be no compromise in quality of works.
Commissioner assured of pubic friendly administration on behalf of BCC. Action will be initiated against concerned officer if work is delayed without reason.
Every Commissioner who takes charge always says that he will clean up the encroachments and take action. What actually happens is nothing in the end. God Bless this city.
time will say everything.
Dear Commissioner,
You have a stupendous job in front of you and every citizen of Belagavi is looking forward to your effective lead in cleaning up the mess and transforming the lovely city into a better place to live.
We are here to support you in every way. Just call us.
Living in this city for around 7yrs now will leave in 2-3 yrs after my studies r over… First time I mer with an accident and that too because of a large pot hole near raani chennama circle.. Had a narrow escape with bruises all over me.. What the hell r u doing… I felt disgusted for the first time… Went to kle hospital they told me u r lucky that nothing much happened.. That means more number of ppl have suffered even grevious injury..wake up from that slumber