Vaccine drive starts in March: PHC’s ready to jab only if 84 days over

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The vaccine fiasco if we may call it continues. With the acute shortage of vaccines, the 18-44 age group has been deferred until further notice.

The 45+ and Seniors who have to get their second dose are now facing a new glitch.

The vaccine centers have vaccines, but they can be given only to persons who have completed 84 days from day 1.

So to get the vaccine today one must have been vaccinated in the month of February, whereas the vaccination drive itself commenced on March 1.
So even if one got the jab on March 1 he completes only 77 days and is ineligible for the second dose of the vaccine.

Another issue is the COWIN poratl shows all slots booked for most PHCs and the centres wore a deserted look.


Vaccines are in stock but they cant be given as the COWIN app doesn’t allow the PHC employees told.
Already Booked Online appointments for 2nd Covishield Dose will remain Valid; NOT being cancelled by COWIN. The 60+ never booked it online as until now it was done on first come first serve basis so not many have booked online for the 60+.

The union Govt – It is clarified that the requisite changes have now been done in the CoWIN digital portal. As a result, further online or on-site appointments will not be possible if the period after 1st dose date for a beneficiary is less than 84 days.

Additionally, already booked online appointments for 2nd dose of Covishield will remain valid and are not being cancelled by COWIN. Further, the beneficiaries are advised to reschedule their appointments for a later date beyond the 84th day from the date of 1st dose vaccination.

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