Weekend lock down Belagavi Sat – Sun – What’s open and What’s closed

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Weekend curfew extended until 30/08/2021. Same measures in force and same guidelines enforce. Essentials are open from 5 am to 2 pm as per the order dated 06-08-2021.

Whereas, the Hon’ble Chief Minister on 06-08-2021 reviewed the COVID 19 situation in the State with the concerned Officers and Health Experts. It was suggested by the Health Experts that additional containment measures need to be imposed in light of upcoming festival season to prevent the spread of COVID 19. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred under the Sub Section (1) of Section 24 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005, the Chairman, State Executive Committee, directs Chief Commissioner BBMP, Police Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners, Superintendents of Police of the districts, and other Authorities to take following additional containment measures in view of the upcoming festival season which will come into effect from 07-08-2021 and will be in force until 16-08-2021.

i. Night curfew will continue to be imposed from 9 pm to 5 am in the State as per the guidelines issued vide Order read at No. 1 .

ii. There shall be weekend curfew in the districts bordering Maharashtra (Belagavi, Bidar, Vijayapura and Kalaburagi districts) and Kerala (Dakshina Kannada, Kodagu, Mysuru and Chamarajanagara districts) from Friday 9 pm to Monday 5 am as per the guidelines annexed as

iii. Annexure A. As per Sub Clause (iv) of Clause 1 of guidelines read at Serial No. 1 .

All social/political/sports/entertainment/academic/cultural/religious functions/other gatherings and large congregations are prohibited.

However, Marriages/Family functions are permitted to be conducted involving not more 100 people strictly adhering to COVID 19 appropriate behaviour.

Cremation/funerals allowed with maximum of 20 people.

Functioning of academic institutions permitted as per orders

Read at Serial No.2 and 3.

iv. As read in the order referred at serial No.4.

Places of worship (Temples, Mosques, Churches, Gurudwaras, and other religious places) are allowed to open and related activities pertaining to the places of worship permitted strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behaviour. However, jathres, temple festivals, procession, and congregations not allowed. v. As read in Order referred in Serial No. 6, the Chief Commissioner-BBMP, Deputy Commissioners of the districts may consider imposition of local restrictions in public observation of these festivals and curb mass gathering as deemed necessary. The Chief Commissioner BBMP, Police Commissioners, Deputy Commissioners, and Superintendents of Police in their jurisdiction shall enforce the above guidelines strictly and take action against any person violating these measures under the relevant provisions of Section 51 to 60 of Disaster Management Act, 2005, besides legal action under Section 188 of the IPC, and other legal provisi ns as applicable.


Guidelines for weekend curfew

Movement of individuals shall remain strictly prohibited between Friday 9 pm to Monday 5 am, except for essential and emergency activities as mentioned below:

1. All State and Central Government offices and their Autonomous Bodies, Corporations, etc, dealing with emergency, essential services and COVID 19 containment and management duties shall be fully functional and officers/personnel of the same shall be allowed unrestricted movement.

2. All Industries/Companies/Organizations dealing with emergency and essential services and requiring operations 24/7 shall be permitted to operate. Movement of employees of such organizations shall be allowed on producing valid ID card issued by their respective Organization/Institution. However, to the extent possible, employees should be encouraged to work from home.

3. Employees and vehicles of Telecom and Internet Service providers shall be allowed movement on producing valid ID card issued by their respective organization/institution. Only essential staff/employees of of IT and ITeS companies /organization shall work from office. Rest will work from home.

4. Patients and their attendants/persons requiring emergency need, eligible people intending to take vaccination shall be allowed movement with minimal proof.

5. Shops dealing with food, groceries, fruits and vegetables, meat and fish, dairy and milk booths, and animal fodder shall be allowed to function from 5 am to 2 pm. Street vendors are allowed to function from 5 am to 2 pm. Public Distribution System shops are allowed from 5 am to 2 pm. Standalone liquor shops and outlets, take away only, allowed from 5 am to 2 pm. Home delivery of all items shall be encouraged 24×7 to minimize the movement of individuals outside their homes. Operations shall be subject to adhering to National Directives for COVID 19 management.

6. Restaurant and eateries shall be allowed only for take away and home delivery.

7. Movement of trains and air travel are permitted. Movement of Public Transport, private vehicles and taxis to and from airports, railway stations and bus terminals/stops/stands is allowed for facilitating movement of passengers by air, rail and road. The movement will be allowed only on displaying valid travel documents/tickets and strictly adhering to COVID appropriate behavior.

8. Marriages/Family functions are permitted to be conducted involving not more 100 people strictly adhering to COVID 19 appropriate behaviour. 9. Cremation/funerals to be allowed strictly adhering to COVID 19 appropriate with maximum of 20 people.

0 thoughts on “Weekend lock down Belagavi Sat – Sun – What’s open and What’s closed”

  1. This reeks of the same stink that prevailed before the elections.
    Same thing happened then as well.
    Oh don’t worry. Lockdown not because of rising cases. Lockdown to ensure safe voting process.
    Don’t worry. Aaraam se bahar aa voting ke liye.

    Can’t lock it down completely during elections can they?
    Then after the votes were made the cases SUDDENLY shot up and they dropped the lockdown hammer.

    Now look at all the festivities coming up.
    15th. Ganesh etc.
    Can all these be enjoyed during total lockdown? So do the same. Partial lockdown. Then after copy+paste.

    I hope to God I’m wrong but looking at this governments operating procedures in the past it’s difficult not to think of this.

    God help us all.

    Be safe . . .
    be RESPONSIBLE . . ,
    and STAY blessed everyone


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