Weight of the Word!

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Don’t miss the book exhibition at Desai Building, Gogte Circle

by Swatee jog

When I first saw the advertisement of this book exhibition at Desai Building( near station circle) about books on sale by weight, I was stunned and saddened. How can books be sold on weight, I thought. Then after a long time, yesterday I visited the exhibition with a colleague and came out rather surprised and happy. We bought about 60 children’s books for Bharatesh Central School. These books are available for Rs. 100, 200 and Rs. 300 per kg. depending upon their quality, content and worth. Although Indian authors are sparse, those who like fiction will have a jolly time scouring through rows upon rows of novels by foreign authors. I could only spot Gurcharan Das’ book The Difficulty of Being Good which was being sold at Rs. 270 ( based on its weight), piles of Highway on my Plate by Rocky and Mayur, some books by Ashwin Sanghi and then some by other insignificant Indian authors.

bookperkgHitherto unseen books on Car race circuits, Formula 1 stars’ autobiographies, numerous beautiful books on country-wise travel, British road guides, cook books, diet and nutrition, self-help books, atlases, scores of books on science, DIY, Inventions, birds, photography, etc. find place here. A large section is occupied by the Readers Digest books which have brilliant production value. One must not miss the children’s section which is an utter delight. You have here some colorful British children’s story books, puzzle books, pop-up books and autobiographies, all jostling for space.

Upon inquiring where they got these books and why they’re being sold by weight, the organizers said these books are ones disposed by libraries to make place for new ones. Some books look worn out, some are spanking new while some are so good that you’d fight temptation to pick up a few and fill your basket. If you don’t mind picking up books that have been read by others before and value some brilliant publications, don’t miss this opportunity. The exhibition is on till 13th Sept and the organizers issue a proper bill of everything sold.

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