CM Siddaramaiah increased the VAT on Tobacco & Liquor products from between 17 to 24 percent, while presenting his 10th state budget on Friday. He also announced 1 percent hike in tax on petrol and diesel in the state budget for 2015-16.
Rs.7 crore will be spent for providing necessary infrastructure in Sunday market at Mysuru, Hubballi, Udupi, Kalaburagi, Belagavi, Ballari and Davangere.
Gents and ladies hostels will be established at Bangalore, Hubli, Kalburgi, Belagavi and Mangalore for the participants undergoing skill development training through Karnataka German Technical Training Institute.
Grant of Rs.100 crore each, for comprehensive infrastructure development activities in Hubballi-Dharwad and Belagavi City Corporations
A 5 years scheme with an outlay of Rs.25 crores each will be implemented by starting Bel-Trac in Belagavi for the improvement of traffic system.
Mobile phone chargers, footwear, manufactured sand, wick stove, industrial cables, solar panels and solar inverters cheaper.
Everything is good bt hike in petrol taxes is not good @ all
Everything looks good only in news and to read where is the implementation? With the pace the traffic is growing in Belgaum they should be visionary and start building metro and expanding roads from now onwards.