When will be free our trees from nailing

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It is a common scene that one can see some Advertisement boards hanged on trees by nailing those trees. But did you know that is illegal to nail a public tree.

See this image an Ad board nailed to a tree which is very old on the Railway over bridge. The ruthless hammering of nails into trees is akin to a path set for its slow death.

tree nailed by ad boards
Photo Sundar

The nails damage the tissues responsible for carrying water and nutrients through the tree. The trees may take longer to heal from the initial prick and therefore be under more stress. This makes them more vulnerable to pests and diseases.

A Supreme Court diktat clearly specifies that no public property including trees can be used for any private advertisements.

Burning of waste under the trees, improper trimming, old tree-guards and irrational cementing of the ground around tree bases are other critical issues.

But who cares, the civic administration will be least bothered to act on such acts, but it is necessary.

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