Women Techmakers 2015

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Women Techmakers is Google’s brand and global program for women in technology. Women Techmakers provides visibility, community, and resources for women in technology to drive innovation and participation in the field. Women Techmakers events are designed to promote an environment of inclusivity for women in technology, as well as celebrate women leading the industry. We want to advance, grow, and celebrate women developers, designers, and technology entrepreneurs.GDGBelgaum

International Women’s Day , which is officially on March 8, 2015, is a day to celebrate the achievements of women while calling for greater equality within our communities. As Women Techmakers powered by Google Developer Groups, we plan to do this by improving our programs thus increasing women GDG members through increased collaboration and raising awareness through social media.

Event Date: Tuesday, 24th March 2015

Venue: KLE Lingaraj BCA College, Belgaum

Registration & more details at http://gdgbelgaum.com/events/women-techmakers-2015

All our events are free and open to anyone always. Feel free to forward to your friends from Belgaum.

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