Which Assembly constituency voted for whom?

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After the nail biting finish Smt Mangal Suresh Angadi has won the Bye elections to the Belagavi Loksabha Parliamentary constituency by a margin of 5240 votes.

But there was a lot of interest as to which assembly constituency voted for whom.

We are looking at the Top 3 alone as the other numbers are very negligible.

The surprising factor for this was the votes secured by Shubham Shelke. He secured 117174 votes which is a very big achievement of sorts and the highest ever by an MES candidate in a Loksabha election.

bye election 2021
Smt Mangal Angadi

Smt Mangal Angadi secured most of her votes from the Gokak Assembly constituency while Belagavi Uttar voted her the least. (These numbers do not include the Postal votes)

AC NameMangal Angadi
Belagavi Dakshin53226
Belagavi Rural47688
Belagavi Uttar38668
Satish Jarkiholi

Satish Jarkhiholi secured most votes from Arbhavi and least from Belagavi Dakshin.

AC NameSartish Jarkhiholi
Belagavi Uttar51427
Belagavi Rural47796
Belagavi Dakshin30369

shubha shelke

Shubham Shelke was a pandora’s box as he received votes from all AC’s surprisingly. The highest he got is from Belagavi Rural while Bailhongal voted him the least.

AC NameShubham shelke
Belagavi Rural45536
Belagavi Dakshin44950
Belagavi Uttar24594

Total vote count

This is the final votes secured as per the ECI website

O.S.N.CandidatePartyEVM VotesPostal VotesTotal Votes% of Votes
1ANGADI MANGAL SURESHBharatiya Janata Party436868345944032743.07
2SATISH LAXMANARAO JARKIHOLIIndian National Congress432882220543508742.56
3VIVEKANAND BABU GHANTIKarnataka Rashtra Samithi47707448440.47
4SHRI VENKATESHWARA MAHA SWAMIJIHindustan Janta Party19556020150.2
5MARALINGANNAVAR SURESH BASAPPAKarnataka Karmikara Paksha19507120210.2
6APPASHEB SHRIPATI KURANEIndependent13085613640.13
7SHRI GOUTAM YAMANAPPA KAMBLEIndependent13662413900.14
8NAGAPPA KALASANNAVARIndependent29822430060.29
9SHUBHAM VIKRANT SHELKEIndependent11692325111717411.46
10SREEKANT PADASALAGIIndependent43474143880.43
11NOTANone of the Above1056368106311.04
Total 101591463331022247

4 thoughts on “Which Assembly constituency voted for whom?”

  1. Dont know why still people are fighting and voting on religion basis , also still in dilemma of divide and rule with ego , Please contest on bases of developing India as its immaterial in which state we are and keeping aside linguistic issues for political interest and gains.People should be matured to run united India.

  2. Hope newly elected MP will carry forward good work of her husband for belgavi region like airport ( much needed flights) and railway ( stuck projects).
    All the best ?

    • fooled due to lingusitic chauvnism of the state and fringe elements .. bgm people leave in harmony no need for language fanatiism ..we live in one country all languages shd be equally respected ..only those fools who dont have knowledge of history culture of the land bring such isssues ..simple soln is respect all languages ..dont force it on others ..


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