Belgaum boy Niranjan Navalgund presently representing Chennai, Tamil Nadu participated in the 61st State Senior FIDE Rating Chess Championship held at Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu and clinched the prestigious Title. He scored 8.5 points in the 11 round swiss league tournament. This event attracted 64 players from various districts of Tamil Nadu. Niranjan Navalgund was awarded with “ V.J.BRAHMAIAH ROLLING SHIELD” & cash prize of Rs. 30,000/-. Niranjan qualified to represent Tamil Nadu for the forthcoming prestigious National Challengers Championship -2013 to be held at Bhopal, MP, during October, 2013. Niranjan is training under K.Visweswaran of Chennai.
The event was organized by the Nagapattinam District Chess Association & Rotary Club of Nagapattinam under the aegis of All India Chess Federation & Tamil Nadu State Chess Association. Chennai.
Whenever there is chess tournament in belgaum pls inform me via email. …. I’m 23 year old. …