Sujay Sateri, a talented wicket keeper hailing from Belagavi, has been chosen as part of the prestigious 16-member squad for the highly anticipated 2023-24 Ranji tournament. The Karnataka team, will kick off their campaign against Punjab in Hubli on January 5.
Sujay Sateri, a proud resident of Majgaon. As the second wicket keeper batsman for the Karnataka team, Sujay is set to make a significant impact in the upcoming match. His exceptional skills and unwavering dedication make him a valuable asset to the team, and his presence on the field promises to elevate the team’s performance to new heights.
With his selection, Sujay Sateri has proven himself as a force to be reckoned with in the cricketing world. As he dons the Karnataka jersey, all eyes will be on this promising young talent, eagerly awaiting his stellar contributions to the team’s success.
The cricketing fraternity eagerly awaits the clash between Karnataka and Punjab, a match that promises to be a thrilling display of skill, strategy, and sheer determination.
As Sujay Sateri embarks on this remarkable journey, he carries the hopes and dreams of his hometown, Belagavi, on his shoulders. His selection serves as an inspiration to aspiring cricketers across the region, proving that with hard work and perseverance, dreams can indeed become a reality.
Very disappointing. Just 3rd player from 5 decades is very poor show. It should have been atleast 15-20 by now.
Let RCB pick him for ipl, he seems to be a mercurial player…wish the young boy go on to don India color.