My Ward My Neta – Ward No: – 29 – MANOJ MANOHAR KALKUNDRIKAR

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The Urban local body elections ie. Belagavi City Corporation elections are due to be held on September 3.

In a democracy each citizen has to vote at the same time each candidate must come and tell the public, in this case; his ward members what he will do when he is elected and why should people vote for him?

Day of Voting September 3 from 7 AM to 6 PM

The information shared here as submitted by the candidate we haven’t verified the same.

manoj kalkundrikar
Ward No:29
SymbolCricket Bat
Email / Contact No:[email protected] 9342543348
Social Media
ProfessionSocial Worker
Education DetailsBA
Assets/Liabilities as declaredNo

Criminal cases (if any) as declaredNo
Things you promise to do in your wardCleanliness and Hygiene Drinking Water
Why should people vote for you?My Ward My Family

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