belagavi news


Stray Dog Attacks Surge in Belagavi: Over 44,000 Bite Incidents in 16 Months

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By uday

The residents of Belagavi district are facing a serious issue with a surge in stray dog attacks. The District Health and Family Welfare Department has reported a shocking 44,417 cases of dog bites in the past 16 months. This concerning trend included 34,479 incidents in 2023, with an additional 9,938 cases from January to April 2024. Source

Dr. Mahesh Koni, the District Health Officer, has stressed that while the health department can provide treatment to dog bite victims, the real problem of controlling stray dogs lies with municipal corporations, local bodies, and village panchayats. Dr. Koni has brought this issue to the attention of the District Collector, urging immediate and effective action.

The presence of stray dogs poses a significant threat to various groups in the community. Children are being attacked on their way to school or while playing, laborers are at risk on their way home from work, and even the elderly are not safe. The sight of packs of stray dogs wandering through residential areas has instilled fear among citizens, making them feel unsafe in their own neighborhoods. Belagavi city alone is home to approximately 15,000 stray dogs, with over 77,000 scattered throughout the district.


Despite repeated warnings and instructions from the district administration over the past two years, local authorities have failed to implement effective control measures.

Belagavi lawyers, led by advocate Anwar Nadaf, have issued a strong ultimatum to the district administration, threatening to escalate the matter to the Karnataka High Court if no action is taken within 15 days. Nadaf pointed out that the High Court has granted local bodies the authority to euthanize stray dogs in self-defense, but this measure has not been consistently enforced. He argued, “There is no animal more precious than man. If there are no humans, who

2 thoughts on “Stray Dog Attacks Surge in Belagavi: Over 44,000 Bite Incidents in 16 Months”

  1. Stray dogs have become a serious threat to life. The treatment outcome of rabies is poor and needs extensive treatment. The death due to crime is punished and published in media for days and weeks but the life threatening injuries are ignored. The authorities responsible for stray control should be penalised for every stray dogs injuries.

  2. This problem is raising day by day, in most parts of the city. It’s a nightmare near lele ground area to venture by walk or two wheeler during evening and night.
    Hope adequate steps are taken to curb the problem.


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