Belgaum techies come aboard and meet – AllAboutBelgaum IMPACT

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impactBelgaum Techies working in the IT and ITeS fields have concurred the same thought as of this blog and in response to Collective effort to develop IT & ITeS in Belgaum, they had their first meeting on Saturday 23rd May at Ajanta Café which went on in a informal but very assertive manner.

 R K Patil of Vayavyalabs, Swapneel Patnekar from eTH1 Network
Solutions, Aadil Bandukwala of Leading Minds, Ameet Patil of
Spundhan, Harshad Joglekar a freelancer, Sandeep Tekriwal of
Starnet computers, Sandeep Hegde & Manoj from DotCord, Vinod
Chavan & Vishal Kulkarni from 3iGlobal were present for the first meet.
A formal round of introduction happened and all shared the idea of
collaborating. They all thanked AllAboutBelgaum for talking this
initiative and getting the It & ITeS related people closer in a group.
Each one expressed their own problems and success stories and agreed
to collaborate with each other. An e-Group has already been created
for this and in some time a website will also be primed with all the
details of the companies, Jobs etc. 
A need was felt by all that as a group they should approach colleges and
 companies and promote themselves as well as Belgaum as a Brand.
Reaching out to the clientele is the biggest challenge many said and
this kind of a platform will enable and aid all of them to achieve their
 goals. As all are startups a need was felt to share the ideas and also
share professional knowledge with each other on various topics which
will include taxation, company formation and govt legalities.
AAB will continue to play its role in this and will try and bring forth
talent as well as jobs openings in these companies for the benefit of

This is just a beginning and monthly meets will follow and the base of companies will also be added to the group so that all the It & ITeS companies based in Belgaum will come under a single banner for the benefit of Belgaum.

13 thoughts on “Belgaum techies come aboard and meet – AllAboutBelgaum IMPACT”

  1. This is Really awesome …i am happy that something really good is happening for Belgaum . Keep up the good work Uday Dada

  2. Uday,
    Finally the first step has been initiated. It was good to meet so many entrepreneurs under one roof. I am sure our crowd will grow in coming days and we will have more meetings leading to some actions on the ground. Thanks for all those who made it to today’s meet.


  3. Uday

    My heartiest wishes for the new league of Belgaum IT leaders, Thanks to you and all entrepreneurs, and need to take a vision from here, any thing on IT infrastructure front please free to contact me , as a Belgaumite I will be more than happy to share any expertise required on IT infrastructure.


  4. Hi Uday,

    Thanks alot to make my mind to get back to my BELGAUM, as i told u iam in newyork USA currently,i wana start my own BPO and SOftware company in belgaum and by creating this group you have boosted my confidence.

    iam looking forward soon to return and start my OWN Business in IT & ITES,

    [email protected]

  5. Great Uday ……………. finally something is happening in Belgaum. I will more then happy to be part of this………. please let me know in case any help is required.

  6. Hi Uday,

    Good to read through that such a wonderful event was organized to bring all the people associated within IT/ITES industry.

    Would be more than willing to lend a helping hand for growing “Brand Belgaum” as a sweet spot for IT/ITES to grow and stabilize.

    Thanking and AAB for such a great initiative

  7. great going.somebody had to take the initative.
    i can see belgaum becoming one of the IT hubs in the coming years.
    i appreciate the moves of people like Amit and Prashant


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