DELTASYS E FORMING latest achievement is the company of the year 2021 in 3D printing sector by Silicon India. Where the Selection Criteria were based on Customer base, Customer satisfaction, innovativeness, team capability, Company infrastructure, and turnover. Something few established companies find difficult to achieve and here is a start-up reaching all the way to the top
The scenic Western Ghats based industrial hub of Belagavi is the grooming ground of entrepreneurs, such is the spirit of Entrepreneurship here, that the Belagavi entrepreneurs come out with products much before the others have them in their concepts
Belagavi has made its impact in castings, hydraulics and helmets on the global map and it has never lagged behind in aerospace either.

Taking the mantle ahead is this Duo, two young Turks Virendra Kadam and Murlidhar Sutar raw in their college final year started with a dream of making 3D printers 4 years ago and rest as they say is history, history in the making, installing pride in Belagavi’s chequered history of visionary achievers
They’ve conquered every frontier in their field be it Polymer 3D printers, Metal 3D printers, Composite 3D printers and Concrete 3D printers.
DELTASYS E FORMING their brainchild has forayed into uncharted waters like Construction, Foundry, Aerospace and Defence, Oil&Gas, Jewelry, Dental and has come out victorious.
Never stopping at achievements now they make big concrete 3d printers that can make an entire building without labor and also big composite 3d printers which build an entire boat.
Virendra Kadam CEO DELTASYS E FORMING said now has his eyes on developing and manufacturing its own indigenous Metal Laser cutting and CNC router machinery.
Both the founders have their faith in the future of additive manufacturing and visualize to bring “e-Revolution” “e-Kranti” in manufacturing and the company is dedicated to bringing “e-manufacturing” to reality and implementing it in all industry verticals. Watch out for this space you may someday be made to use this case study.