Spicejet connects Belgaum to Ahemdabad Hyderabad Mangalore Chennai via connecting flights

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Spicejet-logoCommuters on the Belgaum – Mumbai route will have to wait a bit longer Spicejet has not yet announced any schedules to Mumbai as yet. 

But it has announced connecting flights to Ahemdabad, Hyderabad, Mangalore & Chennai. 

The same outgoing SG 3302 to Bangalore connects to other destainations with layover time ranging from 30 mins to 5 hours.
The only flight from Chennai is available for arrival all other flights just connect you to other cities from Bangalore as the hub. 

Belgaum to  Ahmedabad
Dep: 9.25 Arr:14.05
Layover time at Bangalore 90 mins
Belgaum to Chennai
Dep: 9.25 Arr: 16.10
Layover time at Bangalore 4h35 mins
Chennai to Belgaum
Dep: 6.15 Arr: 9.05
Layover time at Bangalore 30 mins
Belgaum to Hyderabad
Dep: 9.25 Arr: 16.40
Layover time at Bangalore 4 H 45mins
Belgaum to Mangalore
Dep: 9.25 Arr: 14.55
Layover time at Bangalore 3h 25 mins
Bangalore to Belgaum
Dep: 7.40 Arr: 9.05

8 thoughts on “Spicejet connects Belgaum to Ahemdabad Hyderabad Mangalore Chennai via connecting flights”

  1. Is flight for Ahamdabad and chennai from belgaum and Vice versa necessary ? I don’t think people will travel much on that line…

    It would have been nice if one of the flights from Bangalore to Pune or Mumbai had a stop in Belgaum and vice versa.

    Similar could have been given on Hyderabad Goa route. Belgaum needs connection only on these routes I guess. I really don’t think there is necessity of chennai being connected to Belgaum by Air. Perhaps, we shouldn’t encourage this as well. We already have seen half of Bangalore being occupied by Tamils. I Really don’t want this to happen in north karnataka as well. What say people ????

    • Regarding flights to Mumbai – Pune…you are bang on….

      But before you say anything about Tamilians, dont forget that Spicejet is owned by a Tamilian – Kalanidhi Maran..:-)…..Just for the record, I am not Tamilian

      • I am not saying they are bad people. It is just that if they occupy certain high positions, they make sure once they leave, their position is occupied by another Tamilian. So no opportunity for local people. The same is going on in Bangalore public sectors. Bangalore being part of Karnataka should give opportunities to LOCAL people. Instead all Tamil people have come settled down and dominating all public sector and private sector companies. I just don’t want the same thing to happen when the north part of Karnataka gets developed. If so, then sole purpose developing north Karnataka is lost. Again I am not against them. IF THE TRANSPORTATION IS INCONVENIENT, THEY WILL NOT COME HERE. Let them be happy in their state and we will be happy in our state. That is what I want.

  2. The layover times at bangalore is too much making the timing unsuitable.The layover time from belgaum to hyderabad Belgaum-Chennai & belgaum -Mangalore is too much,making the time to take a bus from Belgaum-Mangalore & Belgaum- Hyderabad more suitable and viable.


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