Each day the number of freshcases for COVID -19 are making a new all time high.
Belagavi district registered a total of 559 fresh Covid-19 cases on May 3, the active cases in the district reached 3715.
No deaths reported today
Active cases have now risen to 3715
Total death toll has now reached 362
214 persons have been discharged today
44438 new cases in the state

Athani 13
Belagavi 398
Bailhongal 12
Chikodi 8
Gokak 22
Hukkeri 5
Khanapur 8
Ramdurg 7
Raibag 4
Savadatti 67
Others 15
This is happening DESPITE the lockdown???
What does that tell you . . . ???
Be safe . .
and STAY blessed everyone