Huge spike of 1762 cases in Belagavi Dist

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Belagavi district registered a total of 1762 fresh Covid-19 cases on May 16, the active cases in the district reached 12122.

Active cases have now risen to 12122

100 persons have been discharged today

4 deaths reported total death toll 393


1792 cases on 16-5-2021

1592 cases on 14-05-2021

1502 cases on 15-5-2021

Taluka wise data would be updated once received.

covid paint

Athani 386

Belagavi 370

Bailhongal 75

Chikodi 150

Gokak 307

Hukkeri 120

Khanapur 88

Ramdurg 49

Raibag 125

Savadatti 44

Others 48

3 thoughts on “Huge spike of 1762 cases in Belagavi Dist”

  1. Are those real (genuine) numbers…. because our Respected “Police Department” have taken very strong action against corona. Then how the numbers are increasing Day to Day!!


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