100 crore grant Belgaum JAGORE

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By editor

Belgaum is used to unwarranted discussions and debates on issues which are important for the development of the city but the citizens are never taken into confidence nor do they know what exactly is happening for development of their city.

In the past week or so the 10 crore special CM grant for the city has been the talk of the town, if not with common man at least within the journalists for sure.

The opposition in the corporation has been raising its voice against the manner in which the grant is been utilized. The corporators allege that they don’t know what works will happen in their ward, in fact the Mayor himself had quoted that he did not know that the works under said scheme were begun. They also alleged that not even a single meeting of the committee formed for the overlooking of the works of the said grant has taken place. Also all the tenders have been granted to a Andhra company.

Today Basavraj Bommai, minister in charge of Belgaum district said that the special grant was for the city and it had nothing to do with the approval or disapproval of the corporators. He further said the said grant has been given for the development of the city and the DC will over look the implementation of the same. The tenders for the same were called in by the urban development ministry and approved. A committee was formed with the DC being the chairman and MP and MLAs have given their points in the meeting.

In a contrast to Bommai’s words MP Suresh Angadi said that he never knew that there was committee formed for this purpose and he was never invited for the same. He also raised the question that if the grant was not given to the Belgaum Corporation then why that is on the tender document City Corporation was mentioned and also signed by the commissioner of the Corporation.100tender100tender1

The mayor had written a letter asking the work to be stopped but then he again wrote a letter asking the work should not be stopped as he came to know that the fund is not related to the Corporation.

My question here is see the above images of the tender documents where the City corporation is mentioned and the corporation commissioner has signed it, so how has this been done, when the fund is not for the corporation.

This will not end here it seems, but Belgaum and controversy always go hand in hand. It could be just anything but controversy will come along.

For your ready reference I have attached the Tender documents floated by the Belgaum Corporation and the same are linked to their website.

The complete Tender with all the details of the works

Corrigendum to the Tender

The worst part I have observed is the works taken in various wards are small in nature and nothing big has been planned, then why is that these 100 crores are being wasted to make gutters, roads. Instead the same could have been used to make over bridges, new parks or for that matter new infrastructure. 100 crore is not a small amount but instead of spending in small amounts something good for the city could have been planned which could help the city in its development.

Belgaum is supposed to be a cool and calm city with its citizens almost blindly believing what they hear. But now is the time to change. That fund was given for Belgaum and as citizens it should be the duty of the authorities implementing it ( it may be anyone here the corporation or the MLA’s or the DC) they should made public all the works that will be taken up by giving ads in various newspapers. People might say it’s there in the tender document but, my question is the Tender document accessible to all citizens.

People would now suggest making use of the RTI act to get info in this regard, but who will come forward is the big question, and even if someone does come up what after he gets the information. What about the dissemination of the information.

What Belgaum needs is a strong CITIZENS FORUM, which can have its say in such matters and also have the power to influence such works.

Is Belgaum ka kya hoga, pata nahi;
Agar aaj hum so gaye to phir kabhi nahi Uth payenge.


9 thoughts on “100 crore grant Belgaum JAGORE”

  1. YES. this must be circulated to papers to all the citizens……
    then some thing may happen…..
    also there is no opposition all are interested in eating the money….from our pocket……better to dissolve the corporation and make DC rule….. only one man show……
    as it was few years back….

  2. Hi,
    I apprecaite you my friend that you are providing us with these infomations.

    Here media can play vital role, thorugh them this news can reach to every individual of BGM hopeful some moments might come to light, development of BGM city is must since long nothing happening & nobody is raising voice regarding development issue. So i beleive media & local news papers can highlight this issuse of 100 crores and bring to forefront to State Govt. of Mr. BSY. admin.

  3. Corporation is more sound like curruption , Well i mean it becuse the Mayor seems more like an "Anguthaa sadak chaap " dont ever know what civic eminities means.
    The 100 crore is Public money Belgumites money , If mr Abhy kumar Patil (MLA) is utilizing this fund for good , Mayor shudnt poke his nose in it, but also expcet Mr MLA to be transperent in tendering the work.

  4. We can use part of it for Echo park at Vaccine depot. roads in extension ares. Killa is into shappy state encroched by vegitable traders , slums and private bus operators, whay cant thispalce be land scaped and converted as tourist sopt and add recreation fecilites here.
    Many remote extension areas still dont have approcah roads and sanitation and water connectvity , This can be covered in JNURM , mut corporators and Maoyr will not opt for it since they cant eat any shit out of it.
    Public Tamasha dekhe , aur baki sam paise loote , it would be day light robbery if this money would go in vain and not utilized properly , same road will be carpted on paper with some filthy petty time contractor and we all will be back to square
    I do beleive it should go to DC fund for peroper utilization and every one should be held responsible
    Jagoo par kitne log jage sab dusroo ko jaganee mein lage hai
    Any one sitting in belgaum ready to file an RTI ……..

  5. Dear Moderator and Readers,
    I think it is a very smart idea that the contract was given to and outside company. It was the Idea of the DC and North MLA. There are a couple of reasons for it:
    1. Better quality work – A major company has better infrastructure and can finish the work faster. Time value of money for one.
    2. If the corporators were involved that would lead to shabby work and curroption. Did you know that it is common practice in the corporation that 50% of the tender award has to be paid by the contractor to the corporators and corporation officials. That is why our roads go bad every monsoon. They are required to build 3″ tar roads but they end up putting only 1 -1.5 inches. Its not the contrractors fault either. They cannot do a good job even if they want to. They dont have anything left after the payoffs.
    3. The coprorators want the roads to break every year – if the roads are built good and they have a budget surplus, they wont get repetitive cuts every year also the city corporation wont be able to demand more money from the state respectively.
    4. 100 crores, ie 40 crores for belgaum north and 60 crores for belgaum south in not even a drop in the pond for the projects that Uday suggested. You cannot build all bridge let alone a flyover in that amount. And a flyover to where. If the authorities talk about a flyover from the city, they will have to widen the roads, to widen the roads they need demolish residential and commercial establishments and houses. We’ve all seen how much resistance there is already to widen the roads that are already scheduled for it viz Old dharward Road.
    For the commenter on this blog….Can I please see you be the first volunteer to give up your shop or for widening the roads. Im Sure the city corporation would love to have you as the leader of you area and submit a signed affidavit from you and your neighbours.
    Also a flyover would require land aqquisition……..besides the resistance from landoweners….100 crores is not enough to compensate them and build a flyover.
    5. Would to like a Big flyover in belgaum with thr roads that lead into it with potholes and the gutters and sanitation that we invite people into our city through the flyover dirty?

    I think it is smart to start small and at the grass roots with correcting the basic infrastructure of the city first.

    Just my two cents…………rets is upto debate


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