updated 18-03-2016
Even after a year the city buses still dont stop at this shelter.Â
The city of over 10 lakhs souls needs hundreds of Bus shelters but the city has only a few to count. The real problem is both the dearth of the terminals and also the disuse of the existing ones.
Lack of maintenance has meant that the existing bus stops like in Dharmveer Sambhaji Circle have either been encroached upon or have become shelters for stray dogs. The official apathy can be gauged from the fact that no department wants to take the responsibility.
It is a rare scene to see a city bus stopping at the designated bus stop. Traffic policemen can be rarely seen forcing the drivers to halt at bus terminals for which they are designated and built.
A fantastic sentence written on every Japanese bus stop -Only buses stop here- not your time.
But in our case the bus never stops at the designated bus shelter.
See this newly built bus shelter near Gogte Circle, you can see the city bus stopping far ahead of the designated bus stop and causing traffic woes to the traffic.
About 11 such bus shelters have been installed in the various parts of the city, one on D R Ambedkar road is the most unused and why money has been wasted on it is not known.
Also the need for bus shelters is the most on Khaanapur road near Cantonment office, where both sides students stand in the sun and rain and also near Gogte circle near Suryakant Park.
Installing new bus shelters is a satisfactory feeling but building them at places of most usability and above that, making the bus drivers stop the buses at the designated bus stop is of most importance.
There is no bus stop near vadgaon yallur cross. It must be done in this location also.