Citizens need not pay users fee to door-to-door Garbage collectors

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By editor

There have been various concerns and complaints we received regarding the Door to Door Garbage collectors and the fees charged by them.

Currently the Belagavi city corporation under Section 103 (B) (2) of The Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976, is collecting the solid waste management cess along  with property tax.

Hence each one is paying up the solid waste management cess along with the Property tax and hence there is no need to pay users’ fee to door-to-door Garbage collectors.

File Photo taken in Shanti Nagar

But it has come to our notice that even now some citizens are paying upto Rs.50 per month to the Garbage collector which is clearly illegal and unwarranted.

The city corporation had floated tenders and will is paying the Contractors for the same.

Once the civic body collected the cess, the contractors have no scope to complain that the door-to-door collection was affected because of non-payment by public. It would force them to collect the garbage from all waste generators. The door-to-door collection of waste was aimed at making the city bin free.

9 thoughts on “Citizens need not pay users fee to door-to-door Garbage collectors”

  1. While Door to Door Garbage Collection is taking place in most localities, here are a few observations on the same: –
    1. The BCC asks us to separate dry and wet (Kitchen Waste) garbage. However, the collector dumps all garbage together in his cart/bag.
    2. There is no supervision on how the garbage collectors dispose off the garbage. At times, they dump it at some place from where the garbage truck picks up and in the mean time, the stray dogs attack the garbage dump and spread it all over the road side.
    3. There is no regularity in collecting the tree leaves and cut grass dumped on the road side.
    4. There is no penalty being levied on people throwing garbage on the road side.
    5. Road side hawkers selling eatables, tea/coffee, coconut water etc are mushrooming in most residential colonies. These hawkers are generating huge amount of garbage without paying any tax to BCC. The garbage collectors take money from them and collect their garbage on priority instead of collecting garbage from the tax payers’ homes.

  2. While the issue of garbage collection is a legitimate issue leading to all kinds of problems including spread of disease, attraction of stray animals etc. what is TRULY DISTURBING (from the photo) is the use of child labor to perform the activity of garbage collection.

    We as a society with a conscience, should be raising our voices against the exploitation of the our CHILDREN, the future of the country when their place is in the classrooms and on the playgrounds.

  3. I second opinions expressed above.
    Also, I do not mind paying Rs 50 (and let him pocket it) to the garbage collector because the garbage collector may be barely getting a fraction from his manager.

  4. In Nanawadi Ashraya Colony and the new Bella vista area no Garbage collection taking place for last 4 months. All complaints have fallen on deaf ears.

    Expect at least twice a week. Personally have been composting wet garbage and dumping dry garbage in corporation boxes.

  5. In Parrijaat colony Bhagyanagar we get the garbage collector once a week if we are lucky. They do not separate at and dry garbage, everything is mixed in their truck. Just 100 metres from the colony is a huge pile of garbage which has been piling since last 3 months. No response to the numerous requests made to authorities.

  6. Also they collect fees for collecting garbage from door to door and if we deny paying they refuse to collect garbage from home. As many complaints have lodged by different people authorities are not at all taking any action nor they are conducting any surprise visit nor willing to take direct feedback from the residents about this issue . Rather verbally they say don’t pay money to them and we become helpless in paying money or throwing garbage at local dumpyard located at locality. First of all people demanding money for collecting garbage must be penalized and residents must be made aware of this. Without wiping out corruption we cannot go ahead with swatch Bharat abhiyan.

  7. Also they collect fees for collecting garbage from door to door and if we deny paying they refuse to collect garbage from home (rc Nagar 2 stage). As many complaints have lodged by different people authorities are not at all taking any action nor they are conducting any surprise visit nor willing to take direct feedback from the residents about this issue . Rather verbally they say don’t pay money to them and we become helpless in paying money or throwing garbage at local dumpyard located at locality. First of all people demanding money for collecting garbage must be penalized and residents must be made aware of this. Without wiping out corruption we cannot go ahead with swatch Bharat abhiyan.

  8. They are still collecting money for door to door garbage collection in Nanawadi area. If denied, they refuse to collect the garbage from our house. It is also very obvious that the person coming to collect the garbage is not the one employed by the government. So the money that’s collected by him goes straight into his pocket and the government fees in to the employee that has out sourced the job to him. Paying a minor 50-100rs is no big deal for most people here but the deep rooted corruption is what’s getting annoying, and ofcourse the audacity of the garbage collector to openly lie and then threaten to not collect the garbage if the fees is not paid on time.
    However, like all other problems associated with corruption in the government organization, this small is also always going unseen. Not even surprised anymore as that’s how the country works anyway.


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