District incharge minister Umesh Katti yesterday made a bold statement of not supplying any water to the Cantonment area.
The minster was reviewing all the works under the various schemes being under taken in the city. The minister said that the development of Khanapur Road (Gogte Circle to Sanchayani Circle) was not happening due to the non cooperation of the Cantonment. When asked to the CEO of Cantonment whether they Corporation can go ahead and demolish the structures in Cantonment area, the CEO said that permission for the same has been sought with Delhi authorities and once we get the same we only will demolish all the structures. The minister was angry on this answer and said that the same answer is being given over so many months and what will change in the days to come.
It may be recalled that a small Canteen at Ashok Circle still exists which was to be demolished during the VKS 2011 but the Cantonment did not give permission even when the district authorities were ready to rehabilitate the canteen owner.
Water wont be supplied from today to the Cantonment area, and many people in the area say is this fair? The cantonment has also paid its contribution for the Hidkal water drinking project and the people say they pay the water taxes so why they should face the consequences.
The minister should take action on the CEO and not put the citizens of the cantonment into hardship.
Wow citizens have to face the problem because of cantonment and political affairs.