Voice of Belgaum winners

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Abhay Patil MLA organized Voice of Belgaum talent competition finals were held yesterday at the Subhash Chandra Bose Grounds in Tilakwadi.
The winners are as follows:

Little Champ: Pranav Adhyapak he got Rs.25000 as prize money
Voice of Belgaum (Male): Shubham Katawakar he got Rs.50000 as prize money
Voice of Belgaum (Female): Poorvi Pagad she got Rs.50000 as prize moneyall part2

Shri Pandit Balachandr Nakod, Prasannajit Kosambi & Abhijit Kosambi were the judges.

5 thoughts on “Voice of Belgaum winners”

  1. Congratulation to winners.

    Though not in this context but going by the title we should all be Voice Of Belgaum and raise our voice for good infrastructure, better road and industrial development in belgaum rather than fighting on border.

  2. waw what a show. only mr.Abhay Patil can make these type of shows along with development.as per development is concern throgh out my life i never seen such type of development.see gogte collage road,harimandir rd,shastrinagar etc.did any one worked like this before? some people don't know wats development.come out of home & speak to him directly rather than posting coments


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