Swami Vivekananda memorial in Belgaum soon

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Swami Vivekananda had came to Belgaum and he stayed in Belgaum for 8 days. It was October 15 to 18, 1892 that Swami Vivekananda was in Belgaum and had visited this place in Risaldar Galli (Now Swami Vivekananda Marg) where he even gave some lectures. Swamiji had stayed here for four days as the guest of Lawyer Bhate. The room, the items used by Swami Vivekanand is still preserved in here like the wooden stick, mirror hand stick etc and is maintained by Ramkrishna Mission Ashrama.

The Karnataka Cabinet today decided to construct a grand memorial of Swami Vivekananda in the fond memory of the same stay he had done then.RKmission

The Ramkrishna Mission would be alloted a 150 ft by 80 ft plot belonging to the Belgaum City Corporation free of cost to build the memorial, which would also house a centre to impart moral education for youth.

Rs. 20 crore is the estimate of the memorial out of which Rs.10 crore would be provided by the Central government for building this memorial structure.

Minister Kumar said the Government is mulling that Hon President of India who has been invited to inaugurate the Suvarna Soudha – to lay the foundation stone for this memorial structure. 

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