Cell phones banned for Cop use

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M Shivshankar, Belgaum traffic inspector as a part of reforming the Belgaum traffic and also the people behind keeping it straight has ordered his men, traffic cops not to use Mobiles on duty.coponmobile

Now it is mandatory for cops to deposit the cell phones at a particular police station before they could go for work. Anyone who is found violating this would be punished, the inspector said. The rule came into effect to ensure that traffic policemen are not diverted from the call of duty and their concentration is not diverted while on duty.

Giving the cops some relief, Shivshankar said that the cops on duty could use the wireless phones with them to send some emergency messages to their families.   It has been a rule that cops cannot use cell phones but it was not strictly implemented, in Belgaum it is being tried.

The cops peeved by this rule but no one has gone against it either.

1 thought on “Cell phones banned for Cop use”

  1. Hey this is just an example of cop’s feelings that,
    ‘Rules are only for Citizens and not the police’.

    Almost all of us must have seen policeman Overshooting the traffic lights without any cause of Emergency or parking his Pvt vehicle in No parking Zone..
    Boss who is there to question these so called aarakshak?


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