Belgaum Kotekere Panoramic View

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This photo was taken yesterday by UkMaD. The Kotekere lake in day light & Night.
The place is ok for a stroll on the pathway for an hour or so in the evenings. Boating is there and also some games for small kids.

18 thoughts on “Belgaum Kotekere Panoramic View”

  1. great but why use the name kotekere, I have lived in Belgaum for 25 yrs and remain a belgaumite for life but I have never heard this name, it was known by various names in all languages but this one. I recommend we use the traditional name or a name which does not sound forced and ligustic

  2. great but why use the name kotekere, I have lived in Belgaum for 25 yrs and remain a belgaumite for life but I have never heard this name, it was known by various names in all languages but this one. I recommend we use the traditional name or a name which does not sound forced and ligustic

  3. I posted it as Korekere only for the reason, a few days back ther was another post on Kotekere and there were a few comments also made on the same, So i thought it fit to continue with Kotekere, this patricular post was just a follow up of that post.

    No Lingusitic bias, its a lake and will remain a lake near the fort in english or marathi or kannad……

  4. I posted it as Korekere only for the reason, a few days back ther was another post on Kotekere and there were a few comments also made on the same, So i thought it fit to continue with Kotekere, this patricular post was just a follow up of that post.

    No Lingusitic bias, its a lake and will remain a lake near the fort in english or marathi or kannad……

  5. Hi,
    Thanks to karnataka Govt, about this type of Developments.kick to MES and Shivsena, and develop and improve our belgaum city.

    maharastra state.

  6. Hi,
    Thanks to karnataka Govt, about this type of Developments.kick to MES and Shivsena, and develop and improve our belgaum city.

    maharastra state.

  7. didnt know belgaum lake looks so beautiful. the night pic. especially great.hope people develop some civic sense and contribute towards keeping the lake and the lovely town clean.

  8. didnt know belgaum lake looks so beautiful. the night pic. especially great.hope people develop some civic sense and contribute towards keeping the lake and the lovely town clean.


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