So, what are your plans for the New Year?

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Al of you must have asked this question to some one or must have answered it.  Belgaum is getting ready for the New Year bash.


All hotels big and small have made massive arrangements in form of tables, special lighting and few even special menus.


There are those fixed venues where you have the New Year bash. Millennium Gardens is one of them with DJ, etc etc. Hotel Shankam also has a DJ, Dance Floor to welcome the New Year. Hotel Adrash Palace is also not behind; there is DJ there also.  VITS has its own plans on the poolside.


All the smaller only food restaurants are busy getting the food ready for tomorrow. Niyaz’s pick and pack has made special arrangements at its outlets.


All th0se planning to booze out by drinking will have to get in their stocks tomorrow only as the liquor stores were shut for 2 days including today o account of accounting of by polls.


So, all must have planned to go somewhere with someone for the New Year, Have a safe and Happy New Year 2009. All those consuming liquor I request you not to drink and drive, if you have to drink, then drink but do not drive then.


To all my readers a Happy New Year 2009!

Glory to God in Heaven, who unto man his son hath given; while angels sing with tender mirth, a glad new year to you and Belgaumites, India and the world.

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