Madhuri M. Shanbhag a multifaceted personality

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A professor of Physics by profession, former Principal of a leading science college, but she is more known to the world as a writer in Marathi, she is Mrs. Madhuri M. Shanbhag from Belagavi another star of Belagavi. A multi-faceted personality who has been a winner on all fronts from home to work and the literary field as well. Born as Geeta Prabhu Ajgaonkar she married Dr.Mohan Shanbag.

Over 45 Marathi books written by her have been published by noted Marathi publishers, on the subjects like science, fiction, short stories, novels, and biographies.  She also translated English books into Marathi, the most notable amongst it being “Agni Pankh” the translation of the book “Wings of fire” written by Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam.

madhuri-shanbagShe has won many awards a list of which is too big to fit hence I have appended it at the bottom. Just to name a few notable awards will include the Lalit Vidnyaan Maharashtra Raajya Puraskaar on two occasions, KATHA Best Marathi short story, 2004.

She is very good short story writer with also a passion to translate best works into in Marathi, and the best example is “Agni Pankh” (14th Edition) the translation of the book “Wings of fire” written by Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam and one written by Kiran Bedi. (As I See, part1 ‘women empowerment, part2 ‘indian police’ part3 ‘leadership and governance; translated as ‘Streeyanche Saxameekaran, Sharateey Polisasevaa, Netrutv aani Prashasan). 

Writing Career:

45 books are published on various subjects. One in English

Short Story Collections: Palasachi Pane, Kachkamal, Chehere,Chakva, Ankhi Ek Rasta, Neerasi Mohasmaaya, Tichee Gosht, Punarvasan, Samudra, Date, Ayushyachya Ladhaivarti Bolu Kahee. Antari Veena Jhankarati. (12)

SciFi : Story Cllections: Punarjanm, Indradhanushya, Sap, Mungee Udali Akashee(4), Novels:Brainwaves (5th Edition), Tamachya Talashee (2)

Biographies: Svapnakadun Satyakade(Kalpana Chavala, 10th Edition), Chadrashekhar Subramanyum (4Th Edition), JRD (5th Edition), Richard Feynman, (4th Edition), Bharatratna CNR Rao.(5)

Lalit lekhan: Phule Ani Patri, Savrichee Pise, Vatevarchee Phule, Lekhananama, Vatevarche Rangatarang. (5)

Translations: Agnipankh, (Biography Of APJ Kalam, Wings of fire, 26th Edition) Who Is Kalam( R. Ramanathan, 5th edition), Joy Of Cancer(Anupakumar, journalist), Keep Off the Grass(Karan Bajaj), AS I See, (Kiran Bedi, Streeyanche Sakshamikaran, Bharteey Police Seva, Netrutv Ani Prashasan, Three books), Prayogatun Vidnyan( Science Is, 5th Edition), Smart Leadership, (Gita Piramal), Doctors From Hell(Vivian Spitz, Second World war), Letters To a Young Scientist (Dr. E.O.Wilson, Prof. Emirates, and Twice Pulitzer winner, Harward University), Jeevanat Anand Pulava( S.H.Nayak), Shalechya Awaratil Baag, (Nyla Koelho, Experiments in Rural Schools)

Fragrance Of Earth, (Marathi Poems Of Bahinabai Choudhary In English) (15)

Books For Children: (Aprupashi, Ranmeva, Anniche Savangadi) (3)

Many articles and short stories included in edited books by literary bodies.

To be Published Soon: Vidnyan Vishaarada(articles on Lady scintists), Practical Miracles( John Grey, Translation), Surely You Are Joking Mr. Feynman(translation), Vatevarchya Lata, (travelogues) (4)

Forthcoming. Jalyatale Moti,(Column), Tu Maza Sangati (Sci-Fi stories), Jeevo Jeevasya jeevanam(short story collection)

Some of my articles and Stories are in Marathi Syllabus Books Of Maharashtra and Karnatak States.

Brainwaves’ was prescribed as text Book for M.A. Syllabus of Shivaji Vidyapeeth.

Knowledge grows only when it is shared and with the same perception she has been giving lectures on literary and social topics, translations in and around Belagavi, in different towns of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, M.P., Delhi and many other places.

As a Public speaker: Literature, Translation, Sci-Fi stories, and many social and educational subjects are handled by me. Presented many lectures as an expert in many literary and social conferences. Worked as an expert in writing workshops, sponsored by UGC, Marathi Vidnyan Parishad, conducted by Karnataka University, Goa, Amaravati, Pune, SNDT, Shivaji Vidyapeeth. At Satana, Nasik, and at Vasco, Goa Participated as a President of the Vibhageey Sahitya Sammelan. Participated as an Expert in DST New Delhi “INSPIRE” Program for students.

Phoenix Maharashtra Mandal, Akshaybhasha,(Arizona) Marathi Vishva, New Jersy(USA), Maharashtra Mandal, Paris(France), Sydney, Melbourne (Australia), lectures and Kathakathan programs.

E-Prasaran USA, Sydney FM, interview and kathakathan on Radio. Interview in Mumbai, Goa, eTV, Doordarshan.

Two Maharashtra Rajya Puraskar for Scifi writings.

Maharashtra Sahitya Parishad, Three prizes.

Katha, New Delhi, Best Short Story of the year. (included in Indian short stories vol 13)

About 8 to 10 Puraskar of various institutions around Maharashtra. Pune, Chipalun, Nasik,Vidarbh sahitya sangh Nagpur, Belgaum, Ajara. Etc.

YBChavhan Pratishtan, Kumud Bansal Educational writing Puraskar.

Mulund Seva Sangh.. Su.La.Gadre Puraskar.

Balsahitya Puraskar from Kolhapur and latur.

  • Dr. Kavita Patil From Malegaon, received PH.D. From Pune University on the Subject.

Madhuri Shanbhag, Vyakti ani Vangmay.” Guide Dr. Ushatai Shinde.

  • Prof. Ranjita Veerkar, Shankar Narayan College, Mulund has submitted her thesis to Mumbai University on “Madhuri Shanbhag yanche samagra sahitya.” Guide Dr. Sicilia Carvhalo.
  • Madhuri Shanbhag, Streevaad in her short stories” Smt. Kavita Chougule has started writing her thesis for Ph.D. In Gulabarga University. Guide Dr. Vijaya Telang.
  • Two Ladies wrote their dissertation for M.Phil. on my short stories. Smt. Swati Vagh from Sholapur, Smt.Meenaxi Gosavi from Nasik.
  • Social Institutions:

    Secretary of Tilakwadi Female Education Society which runs a school Balika Adarsha Vidyalaya. Goud Saraswat Brahman Samaj, Ex-Trustee and active member. President, Vasant Vyakhyanamala society, for five years.

    Connected to many literary and social organisations of Belagavi city.


Some excerpts of the interview with Madhuri M. Shanbhag :

madhuri-shanbagWhen did you start writing and what was your motivation behind the same?

Well I started late, when my son Manish started going to school, in 1989, I wrote one article and everybody praised it. Then I came to know that I have many more things to tell and the rest is history for me.

Do you remember what you wrote first?

The first article I wrote was a ‘lalitlekh’ on my favorite teacher Prof. V.G. Tilagul.

In all your writings you seem to be influenced by science? Is that because you are a Physics professor?

Yes, science is something I am in love with, but actually, its people which interest me more when it comes to writing. Most of my works are the result of my interest in people. For science, I love to pen influence of science on people.

Agnipankh was a great success story for you, what inspired you to translate that biography into Marathi?

Well, I knew Dr. Kalam as a scientist in composites (smart materials), also the chief of five Indian missiles. When I read a small news item about his autobiography, the son of an illiterate poor boatman of Rameshvar reaching the highest civil honor, ‘Bharat-ratna’ completely on his merit and intelligence, I thought that it must be a very interesting journey. And yes it is. Rests are the details like finding a publisher, who purchased rights and made a contract.

How has been the support of your family towards all your work? You must have to make a balance between home and work and also your writing? 

I always feel that if you like to do something, you will find the time. You even don’t mind forgoing your favorite pleasures. My husband Dr. Mohan Shanbhag is proud of me as a writer. Even my kids are very supportive of my writing. I was also taking care of the house. For a long time children, Sansar and my teaching was my first priority.

You have given lectures on so many varied topics and in various places can you narrate some good and bad incidents?

That will be a long answer. But at this point, I will say that good incidence outnumber bad ones.

What do you like to do when you are not working and also not writing?

I love to cook, particularly fish. Then chat with my friends on phone, or netchat with my son and daughter. Surf on the net on my favorite sites. Read a book, well there are umpteen things I can think of.

Are you working on something new these days, what is it another translation or fiction?

I am translating a book on Second World War, ‘Doctors from Hell’ by Vivien Spitz. I write one article ‘Kshitij’ every first Sunday of a month in ‘Saptarang’ (Sunday special of Sakal daily.)

Who are your idols?

Dr. Richard Feynman, (I am writing his biography), Dr.Kalam, JRD Tata, Chandra S. and many more in the field of science. Vijay Tendulkar, Dalavi, Arati Prabhu, G.A. Kulkarni, Shashi Deshpande.

Reading of books has plummeted in the modern world your thoughts on this?

Yes, television, mobiles, and e-revolution have done that. But at least in India, the literacy rate is increasing and very few have access to e-reading. Besides reading percolates in your mind and TV pictures just fly. You don’t remember the scenes you have seen yesterday till you see today’s episode. I do believe that books have a lasting effect on you.

16 thoughts on “Madhuri M. Shanbhag a multifaceted personality”

  1. I have the fortune, for the lack of any other powerful word, bein born in Belgaum. Its a town that i have more heard off, than lived. And, when i did spend time here, i experienced more love than anguish, I was promised of. I have recived extraordinary love, from sources that i never expected.. breaking mangloa glass tops in aunty's back yard, sending down hours of rubber balls to crdible batting sources in sone area with ruddy mud pitches for hours at end and facing the same deal from other more taller bowlers. That was life for me….i grew as a cricketer and a a human being..dealing with Chotu mama..his wife, tai as was obvious, tatya whom we revered, hemant or bhalya. Those free moments between films that 'Tai' sponsored….I love her so much…and tatya for creating a reading zone that got me into a tizzy….and of most of all…..emparting the grace of holding knowledge,,

    more than that i lost.

  2. Mrs. Shanbhag was my physics teacher in PUC, GSS college, during the academic years, 1981-1983. I am delighted to read that she is now the principal of GSS. She had a good command on the subject and was able to deliver her knowledge very effectively. I didn't know that she was also a writer, and that too such an accomplished one.

    I am delighted to read this article and hold her in an even higher esteem. I am not sure if she remembers me now; though her colleagues such as Prof. Prabhu, Prof. Gadgil, etc. do remember me, especially because of my late father, Dr. G. G. Hukeri. If you can pass on my regards and greetings to her, I would really appreciate it. Living in the US and making very few trips to India or Belgaum, doesn't exactly give me the opportunity to offer my respects personally to her.

    Best regards,

    Mukund Hukeri.

  3. Geeta is the best of the best people whom I know. I was fortunate to be associated with Geeta and Prabhu family for many years. I grew up with them. Geeta was excellent writter even in school and colleague.

    I am so proud of her achievements.

    Please keep it up

  4. adarniy madam, apalya charani sadar pranam, mi apala maji vidhyarthi. facebookvarahi dislat khup bare vatale. amachya madam jeva principal banalya teva malach principal zalyasarakhe vatale. arthik tanavakhali shikshan ghetalyamule mi jast pragati karu shakalo nahi, yachi khant hi vatate, pan amachya parighatil tumachyasarakhi RATNE jeva akashi zep ghet astat,teva amhala tyatun jaganyache nave bal milat aste. Physicsmadhyech n adakata samajatil barech barkave avagat kelat. konatyahi antyayatrela gelyavar tumchi katha athavalyashivay rahat nahi. kharokharich uttung shikhar gathalat. maji vidhyarthi ase mhanalo tari te fakt kagadopatri, pan ajahi tumachyakadun khup kahi shikayala milate. Teva janmabharacha vidhyarthi ase mhanavun ghyayala jast abhiman vatato. kharach belgavchya mega star ahat tumhi. MAMANCHYA(SHRI Kiran Thakur) velache NIRUPAN tar nivval apratim! jast kay type karu ? shevati amhi padalo samanya nagarik. amhala bhavana vyakt karayala shabd kuthe mahit? pan tumhi samajun gheta. DHANYAWAD!

  5. Still I remember about Simple harmonic motion, when I was in Part-I class, even she was teaching our understandable language. I am proud to her past student. Just looking at her photo also brings +ve thoughts in my mind.

  6. मी आजच माधुरी ताईंचे आयुष्याच्या लढाई वरती बोलू काही हे पुस्तक वाचले. पुस्तक खूपच छान आहे. आजूबाजूला घडणाऱ्या घटनाच वाचत आहोत असं वाटत होतं.
    त्यांना माझ्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा!

  7. मॅडम तुमचे लिखाण खूप भावते. अग्निपंख, जे.आर.डी फार आवडले. सावलीची पिसे ने मला परत लहानपणीच्या आठवणी जागृत केल्या. खूप सारे धन्यवाद. अशाच भरभरून लिहित टला

  8. मधुरिताई, तुमचे आयुष्याच्या लढाईवरती बोलु काही कथासंग्रह खूपच मनाला भावला, प्रत्येक कथा वाचून झाली की विचार करायला लावते, खूप वेळ त्यातले काही प्रसंग मनात घोळत राहतात, विचारांची दिशाच बदलून जाते, positivity खूप वाढते

  9. I feel proud of u madam. I was not knowing u r a writer too. i hope u remember u had come to our vastushanti function with your husband at chidambar nagar in 2007. i was student of gss college during 1976-78 and part time lecturer of economics & statistics at rpd college during 1981-83. Now i am woking as deputy director at statistics dept, Bangalore. nice to know about u.

  10. We in Belgaum are really blessed to have you and very proud of you dear Geetatai.. I am sure most of us are delighted to have read this article….
    Keep the great work going.. my warm regards to you ?

  11. Geeta tai, I have never met you as you were small kid when I WAS Studying in TILAKWADI highschool and then Rani Parvati Devi college.Iwas clssmate of yuur sister Shila in college but then went to PUNE engineering college.You may remember my sisters REKHA and RITA.WHO WERE 1OR 2 YEARS SENIOR TO U IN BALIKA ADRSHA vidyalay.MY wife Dr.Asha Ajgaonkar loved your writing in Diwali Magzins but she regrets in recent times your presence in Diwali Magzins has come down.I AM sure you are busy inso many other and more important activities like translations of English literature.Dr.VASANT AJGAONKAR(GOTYA) STAYS very close to us in Prabhadevi,Mumbai.You are staying in Belgaum but I Remember teaching my daughter two of your short stories in MARATHI text book of MAHARASTRA.Great achivements.all the best for future work.


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