DC assures of fixing auto fares

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By editor

The “AUTO-cratic” rule in Belgaum seems to be never ending. People who once traveled with their parents and who now travel with their grandsons always have a fear of sitting in an auto in Belgaum, because you never know what you will be charged.

Autos in Belgaum will charge by meter; this is a dream citizens are dreaming of from decades now. The DC Anubukumar surprisingly yesterday in a meeting said that “autos should charge by meter and that the FARE would be fixed in the time to come.”

Many may think that atlast something is happening on this front where this blog has actively made stories on the same.auto1

But dont get carried away, the DC said he would fix the fares and when this would be done is not stated. At the meeting the Auto drivers association agreed that autos should have meters but said a FARE must be fixed and also illegal autos and rikshaws, tempos should be banned.

Even if nothing very concrete has been fixed, we the citizens should look at this as a step in the right direction.

What the rules say:

The autos fall under preview of S. 1(7) of the Motor Vehicles Act, which defines contract carriages. Further Under S. 67, the state govt has powers to control road transport. The state govt having regard to the contingencies mentioned in clause (a), (b), (c) & (d) may from time to time, by notification issue directions to state transport authority and RTO for fixing of fares (min & max) for contract carriages. Even under S. 74 the grant of permit is also under certain conditions, one of which is fixation of fares.


4 thoughts on “DC assures of fixing auto fares”

  1. Even if the fares are fixed ,Compliance is found to be only at Rickshaw stands. At remote locations the Rickshaw drivers dictate their terms after quickly assessing the from the face of the customer ,based on the customers requirement it is “TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT”.The same situations persists even in Deli-New Delhi,Mumbai,Kolkata ,Chennai. The fixing of Auto fares is a sucess only within the city limits.

    • So True! i used to pay almost 3500 a month to my auto driver….. n the one whom i knew made almost 25000 rupees a month, imagine this guys kids’ carry the most expensive mobile sets + he has a car for his son + bike for his daughter……………………………… loot people n enjoy life at other’s cost… it is not their hard earned money….. + to mention these guys make a lot of meny by filling in their autos with these school children…. rule to carry minimum school children should also be enforced………….. + action against auto drivers demanding more money should be reportd and punished….


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