Take off atlast from Sambra

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Take this as a sigh of relief for the high fliers. Atlast the Kingfisher flight IT 4131 landed in Belgaum, but there was delay as per Flight Stats.com which mentions a delay of 33 mins in arrival at Belgaum and about 44 mins delayed arrival at Mumbai.

This was after many days that a commercial flight had landed on Sambra airport, the last being the KF’s Belgaum- Bangalore flight which had flown from here on 16th June 2009.

ATR 72 500
File pic

Sources from KF say that the Belgaum- Bangalore flight might also commence around March end as they still have to get the landing spots in Bangalore.

17 thoughts on “Take off atlast from Sambra”

  1. The King fisher schedule mentions that the flight from Belgaum to Mumbai is ATR ( fan propelled),but the one shown on your blog is A320 type aircraft. Kindly let me know what type of Aircraft it is.

  2. I was very delighted to know that Air services have started from Belgaum. However the
    following information is not available.
    1. The return fare of which mentions as less then Rs 4000/- ,does this include the
    catering service or not.
    2. The AIrcraft shown on your blog is A320 ,while the schedule indicated in the King
    fisher is ATR,which one is correct.

    I will be glad if the above information is furnished.

    • @ Mr. Ram,

      1) Most of the KF flights provides you catering services charges will b including in your tickets (It provides sandwitch only)

      2) The aircraft is KF Red, A320 cannot land and take off from airports like bgm it needs a huge run way


  3. great !,However Belgaum has yet to get the following :-

    1. A full fledged FM Radio Station.
    2. A museum displaying old artifacts of Belgaum ( In view of the Congress session held during pre-
    3. An Authenticated Botanical garden displaying the flora & fauna of Belgaum. (By having a cultivation
    centre.) This is because many arboriculture contractors from Northen India purchase plants from
    Bangalore. If there is a plant cultivation centre in Belgaum, There will simply be a great market.
    4. Make the design of the Bus stops identical inall places.

  4. Hey Folks its an ATR Aircraft which has a seating capacity of 40 as one more reader rightly mentioned.
    Aftter all Something is better than nothing you see.

  5. its nice to hear that KF agained resume the flight service but i think timing is not suitable for belgaum people.at the same time they should consider about belgaum bangalore air srevice.

  6. At ………last they did it.

    Congratulations… to everyone who has taken active participation.

    HOPEFULLY They will develope other ways aswell.

  7. good move, now other ways also shoulde be opened…………..
    such as Bangalore and other places………


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