Infosys mentor N R Narayan Murthy who was the chief guest at the VKS 2011 asked the youth of today not to run behind money but work hard, love your work and money will follow you.
He was speaking at the opening ceremony of the VKS 2011 at the District Stadium.
He began his speech saying “kindly keep quiet as I want to speak”.
He thanked the organizers for calling him for such a great event. He further talked about the history of Karnataka and remembered poets, freedom fighters and saints from the state and asked each one to remember them each day.
North Karnataka was not new to him, no doubt I was born in south Karnataka but I am the son in law of North Karnataka. North Karnataka is the heart of the state. He said, “I have travelled to so many places all around the globe but I love the coffee made in Bangalore.” He also stated that Kannada was his mother tongue and he speaks Kannada at home. He also spoke about Infosys foundation and the work done by it and to see the state developed each and every one should strive to develop places which are not developed.
Become an entrepreneur, you will learn many new things rather than just working for some one else.
Anil Kumble president of KSCA said that Belgaum should have a cricket stadium of its own by which we could get international standard players from Belgaum.
Aishwarya Rai spoke begining with Kannada for about a minute and later spoke in Hindi. She said she was thankful to all for calling her for the event and nothing else in both languages.
Aishwarya Rai, Anil Kumble, U R Narayanmurthy and all the politicians along with other dignatories were present on the dais.

Pics of the inauguration please!!!!!!
Pics please
Hey Thanks Uday!!!
Splendid! Got no words to say… All I wanna Say is "BELGAUM" is the next favorite baby of all Indians 🙂
Mr Robbie is right .You said it. Nothig is beautiful & colourful as Belagao
pics and videos…….. pls share the links
see site slider for vdos of all aevents
It is indeed a great tribute to the great ehterprenor Shree Narayana Murthy not only to deliver the Inagural Speech but also to declare open the Plenary Session of the V K S .
His thoughts are onlys down to earth. He not only speaks like other Pol Leaders but implements what he takes up as a " SANKALP"
I hope many India 's INC has many Billinorious , so also the Bollywood Stars, Criketiers, Business tycoons can emulate what the Murthy Couple do. They donate linerally for the spread od Liabraries where ever they are not there. Mrs Sudha Murthy does more than she speaks. She is THE person Shree Narayana Murthy's success. Thanks Organisers for Inviting the right person,Usualy Politicians are invited to Inaugurate the Literary Sammelanas.
hey, Yeddi also announced next June assembly session in new vidhana soudha building,,,,,,,, great going
Even he has announced that next budget session will be in Belgaum
I wish i would have be there man,shit i miss the oppurtunity but AAB is doing great job well done guys keep it up
NRN killed kannda , North indian , rajasthanis and muslium speek better kannda .
i agree
@ jjj..
First learn at least one language properly ( to write ) before commenting.
Its rediculous to comment on the quality of the languagethat he chose to speak.Actions are always taller than words.
VKS crated a history …
Belgaum emerged as a great Indian city now,,,,
Its a great pleasure for me being here and enjoying each n every part of VKS …
" Belgaum was the best kept secret "- Mohandas Pai
Belgavi rocks … Long live…!