The return of former Chief Minister Jagadish Shettar to the BJP has thrown the Belagavi Lok Sabha race wide open, with the Angadi family poised to play a decisive role. With Shettar’s daughter-in-law Shraddha and sitting MP Smt. Mangala Angadi are both in the picture, and one of them is expected to be the party’s candidate for the upcoming general election, (that is what the hype is in the Local media)
This move has put immediate pressure on the Congress, faced with a formidable opponent, sources suggest the party is turning to politically influential families, the Jarkiholis and Hebbalkars, for a “winnable” candidate.
- With Shettar’s return, the BJP is likely to field either Mangala Angadi or Shraddha Shettar for Belagavi Lok Sabha.
- Congress is under pressure to find a strong candidate, potentially from the Jarkiholi or Hebbalkar families.
- Jarkiholi’s recent statement adds another layer of uncertainty to the Congress strategy.
- Lingayat and Kuruba communities might play a significant role in candidate selection for both parties.
However, Satish Jarkiholi recently ruled out his own or his family’s involvement, instead suggesting a Lingayat candidate for Belagavi and a Kuruba candidate for Chikkodi. This leaves the Congress options unclear, while the Angadi family seems to be solidifying its position within the BJP.