3 hotels to be converted into COVID centers

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With the growing number of COVID patients in the city especially since July 1 where currently we have around 300 active cases, the pressure is building upon the health dept to get more beds.

A special 80-bed facility has been made for asymptomatic patients at Halbhavi Morarji Desai School, but seeing the trend more beds would be required and hence the administration has decided to take charge of 3 lodges in the city which would be converted into COVID care centers and the govt would pay the fare.


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Hotel Rohan Residency, Hotel Sanman and Hotel Rex Annexe will be taken over by the administration, and COVID care centers would be established as per the report of the Sakal.

The primary contacts of the new COVID positives will be kept here in these centers.

At all the 3 places will have 24×7 medical staff and other facilities.

3 thoughts on “3 hotels to be converted into COVID centers”

  1. दिवसेंदिवस वाढत चाललेल्या करोना पॉझिटिव्ह व्यक्तींना ठेवण्यासाठी करोना सेंटर सुरूकरण्यासाठी हॉटेल्स घेण्यात आलेले आहेत तेथे त्यांना ठेवण्यासाठी सर्व प्रकारच्या सुविधा आहेत पण यापुढे वाढीव पेशंट साठी एक किंवा दोन सुसज्ज असे सेंटर उभे करणे जरुरीचे व काळाची गरज आहे त्यासाठी ऑटोनगर येथील भव्य इंडस्ट्रियल एक्जीबिशन सेंटर किंवा माहतेशनगर मधील आंबेडकर भवन किंवा शहर परिसरातील एखादं मंगल कार्यालय घेऊन किमान 1000 ते 5000 बेड असलेले सर्व सुविधाने युक्त असे कोविड सेंटर सुरू करण्यासाठी संबंधितअधिकाऱ्यांनी व नेतेमंडळींनी विचार सुरू करावा जेणेकरून येत्या एक महिन्यात सर्व बाबीनियुक्त असे कोविड सेंटर बेळगाव येथे बेळगाव जिल्ह्यातील सर्व नागरिकांना उपलब्ध करून द्यावे.

  2. Why hotels?why not some hostels?we have enough hostels in belgaum which won’t be burdensome, here People are dying due to lack of doctors and facilities in civil hospital, why aren’t you worried about them instead of spending on hotels?

  3. In hostels students are still living, students who couldn’t go to their home and which had came from far to study in Belagavi are still residing in hostel, so comment by thinking about those people. Or else give your home for those corona patients ?


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