A straight road near Hindalga Ganpati could help citizens

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Commuters traveling on the SH 20 Bachi – Raichur Highway have a blind spot near the Argan Talav where the roads make a turn and also there is an elevation.

Citizens have submitted a letter to the Cantonment board in this regard today.Many accidents have been reported on the same road for many years and now the road has a very high volume of traffic as well.

But a simple straight road from the Gandhi Statue up-till the Hanuman Nagar cross would make traveling on this road easier and safer. The road from Hanuman Nagar cross towards Hindalga, Vengurla Road is also been widened now by 3 feet on each side.

Now many would ask this is not an easy proposal as it comes under Cantonment. But in reality, it could be a better proposition as the Cantonment can allocate the land on the side of the current road for the new road and acquire the current road and make it part of the Argan Talav.

hindalga-roadThe Argan Talav already has a walking track on the sides this addition of more land on that side could give it more land on the sides which can be put to various other uses.

If we remember a proposal was been studied on this feasibility way back in 2011 but really nothing has turned up there.

Ravi Kadam a resident of Vijay Nagar said the road has very heavy traffic an on Tuesdays & Sankasthi many people come to worship in Ganpathi Temple & it’s a Chaos. So if the road can be widened and also made straight it will help in avoiding accidents.

When we spoke to the PWD Superintendent Engineer, he said this can be done, if the Cantonment board can allocate that stretch of land for the road. There are issues of funds at this moment but if the MLA or smart city comes forward that 800 mtr odd stretch road can be made.

Sources said as the land on both sides belongs to the Cantonment only, they can pass a resolution to that effect that the land usage could be changed. But the actual legalities would have to be looked into.

But if this is done it will save many lives and injuries?

1 thought on “A straight road near Hindalga Ganpati could help citizens”

  1. As a Techical , profile of land is with heigh we gradient , For heavy loaded vehicles the road should be in curved For easy movements .
    Hence same road should be made up with 4 lane .
    Where each one side of Road should be reserved for heavy vehicles.


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