What is actual car parking fee at Bogarves Cantonment area

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Belgaum Cantonment car parking ticket issued at Dharmveer Sambhaji Chowk

Shivashankar S. Kattimani sent this image of the car parking ticket issued at Dharmveer Sambhaji Chowk (Cantonment Area) on which Rs.10 is mentioned but Rs.20 is written by scratching and 20 were collected.

Even the boards painted by the Cantonment mention Rs.10 if someone has observed.

Our sources in the Cantonment have confirmed that the current rate of Car parking anywhere in Belgaum Cantonment minimum is Rs.10 (however the hours were not known).

Our sources also confirmed that from 28-07-2014 the said parking fee would be hiked to Rs.15.

But now only Rs.20 is being collected?

Why is the Question?

Each parking lot must have a board mentioning its area and the official amount it can collect, the date till which the tender is valid but no one has this placed, The corporation car parking is no different. The authorities as well dont look into this and its implementation.

AAB had once spoken to the DC N Jayram about the car parking in Bapat galli, and on phone the corporation commissioner was asked why boards are not put up its 5 months later nothing has changed.

So are we all so dumb to pay anything that is asked for?

Most of the citizens are not aware what is the correct fee and the authorities take utmost care that the real fee is not readily known to all for reasons only known to them.

God save this country. 

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