Congress increased its vote share in Belgaum north

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Indian National Congress candidate from Belgaum North Fairoz Saith who won this election back to back is giving some great reasons for him to cheer. 

This time Saith got 45125 votes thats 39.17% of the votes. In 2008 even when he had won he had secured 33.93% in 2008. Which means he has increased his share of votes by 6%.

Feroz Sait- INC- Belgaum North
Feroz Sait- INC- Belgaum North


This time BJP candidate Jadhav secured 15.15% whereas in 2008 Shankargouda Patil then the BJP candidate had secured 30.88%. Renu Killekar the first woman MES candidate secured 23.36% votes whereas last time Vijay More the MES candidate in 2008 had secured 17.23%.

This means the MES was able to get a higher share of votes from 17.23% to 23.36% in 2013 but this was not enough to beat Saith.

The KJP also ate into the BJP votes and BSR Congress really did not matter with very meager votes.

This time the voting was the least in the district in this AC of 57% only. Which according to sources say the educated class refrained from voting to an extent. Saith majorly secured the minority votes even when there were other 5 candidates from the minority community who really did not make any impact. Political pundits expected some magic from Kudachi but he failed to live upto any expectations this time around.
With Congress gaining a clear majority Saith could get lucky as a minister this time with the lead of votes he has won with. 

8 thoughts on “Congress increased its vote share in Belgaum north”

  1. How CONGRESS WON on 23 Seats:-1)Afjalpur-Con-38093,BJP-10347,KJP-32855.
    2)Bhalki-Con-58012,BJP-29694,KJP-48343. 3)Byadgi-
    Con-57707,BJP-37877,KJP-44348. 4)Channagiri- Con-53355,
    BJP-4526,KJP-51582.5)Devar Hippargi- Con-36231,BJP-28135,KJP-24707.
    6)Gulbarga Rural- Con-40075, BJP-32857,KJP-26612. 7)Gurmitkal-
    Con-36051,BJP-9795,KJP-32362. 8)Hangal- Con-66324, BJP-7052,
    KJP-60638.9)Harpanahalli- Con-56954,BJP-48548,KJP-27997.
    10)Hubli-Dharwad(E)- Con-42353,BJP-28831, KJP-26312.11)Kollagal-
    Con-47402,BJP-17224,KJP-32929. 12)Krishnaraja-
    Con-52611,BJP-46546,KJP-15573. 13)Kumata- Con-36756,BJP-28411,KJP-14286.
    14)Kundgol- Con-52690,BJP-23641,KJP-31618. 15)Mayakonda-
    Con-32435,BJP-17658,KJP-31741.16)Ramdurg- Con-42310,BJP-37326,KJP-16043.
    17)Shimoga- Con-39355,BJP-33462,KJP-39077.18)Shirahatti-
    Con-44738,BJP-44423,KJP-3841. 19)Tarikhere-
    Con-35817,BJP-2989,KJP-34918.20)Terdal- Con-70189,BJP-67590,KJP-5558.
    21)Tiptur- Con-56817,BJP-45215,KJP-28667. 22)Tirthahalli-
    Con-37160,BJP-34446,KJP-35817. 23)Tumkur City-

  2. Mr Firoz Sait has not done anything fo hanuman nagar area.. He has totally neglected it.. Its sad such people are elected again

    • if he had not done anything for hanuman nagar 68.5perceent of the area would not vote for him where as he had got hardly 15pcnt votes from the area last elections.stop defaming ppl and get ur facts right.

      • AK,

        u r a muslim and u might have got personal favours.. Go and look at the roads all over hanuman nagar and not just double road in front of his house and all the people having house across double road.
        First put forward all what good he has done i will justify and show you ..
        Don`t simply speak anything in favor of ur people

  3. All our colony people went and personally requested him to give us proper road and drainage. He did not bother at all. Its his duty to work for people.. Its not for us to keep requesting even after voting

  4. Yes i agree with Suma.
    Out of frustration from BJP government people have cast their votes and brought congress and not because congress is better.. Its a testing time for congress to prove that they are good and will work for people.. Else people will do the same what they did to BJP in this election.

  5. Ms Suma whatever be my religon i dont think that matters,cuz i dont think 68.5 pcnt of habnuman nagar is muslims.Also he has got in total around 20,00 non muslim votes..hope u got ur ans.


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