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Attestation parade at MLIRC

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Attestation parade for the recruits of the Maratha Light Infantry Regimental Centre was held today at 07:30 AM at Sepoy Pandurang Salunkhe, MVC Indoor Arena. A batch of 105 recruits of group 4/13 who successfully completed their training were attested and will soon be joining their battalions in different parts of the country to serve the nation. The parade was commanded by Sepoy Ankit Patel with Parade Adjutant being Major Sanket Chavan.

milrc belgaum
Attestation parade for the recruits of the Maratha Light Infantry Regimental Centre Belgaum

The parade was reviewed by Brig Santosh Kurup, SM**, Commandant, The MARATHA LIRC, Belgaum. In an impressive oath taking ceremony held in the presence of the National Flag and Regimental colours, the young soldiers took oath to serve the motherland and to protect its integrity even at the cost of their lives.

Commandant, The MARATHA LIRC in his address reminded young soldiers of the Regiments rich heritage and impressed upon them to upkeep the martial traditions of the “ MARATHA LIGHT INFANTRY”. He gave away medals to recruits excelling in different spheres of training at the end of the parade. Honorary Captain Keshav Rao Talekar Medal and Trophy for best in Drill was awarded to Sepoy Ankit Patel. Maj SS Brar Medal and Trophy for best in Physical Training was awarded to Sepoy Pramol Magdum. For best in Field Craft Training the Colonel NJ Nair, Medal and Trophy was awarded to Sepoy Ankit Patel. Sepoy Dodiya Dharmik was awarded Naik Namdev Jadhav Medal and Firing Trophy for being best in firing.

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